Global warming is faster than evolution — and this could spell trouble for marine life
Aquatic life may not have enough time to adapt to an increasingly warming world.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Aquatic life may not have enough time to adapt to an increasingly warming world.
The 'well-dressed' dinosaur may offer hints about how birds such as peacocks evolved to show off.
The device could reveal that so-called asymptomatic cases may not be truly without symptoms.
The schematic structure of the tandem solar cell stack in 3D. Credit: Eike Koehnen/HZB. A crystal known to science for...
Doctors document a rare case of corneal bee sting.
Thanks to this platform, any old car can be reborn as an electric vehicle.
It's the first example of a non-human vertebrate domesticating another animal.
It's the first example of tool use by honey bees in nature.
Small, dinosaur-like animals may have been the ancestors of the first flying vertebrates.
The study adds to a growing body of evidence supporting the crucial role of face masks in fighting the pandemic.
Electric cars and solar power may work together like a hand and a glove.
The medicinal plant from China is trying to prevent heavy harvesting.
The experience will prove useful in China's future sample missions to Mars in 2030 and upcoming crew missions to the...
The vaccine offered "strong" and "durable" protection in early-stage clinical trials.
Credit: Pixabay. In December 1963, two boys thought of a bright idea for a school science project-- they would stay...
Many rappers need self care -- and so do their listeners.
That warm, red, swollen area of your skin could be cellulitis.
The Juno mission has revealed surprising new things about Jupiter’s structure and atmosphere.
The vast majority of stars are made almost entirely of hydrogen (about 90%) and helium (about 10%), with trace amounts...
The drug is 50 times stronger than heroin.
Neanderthal thumbs were better adapted to holding tools with handles, a new study found.
Pills coated with the substance could navigate through the body using magnets.
Glow-in-the-dark wombats make 2020 just a bit more bearable.
A secondary nuclear fusion process first proposed 30 years ago has now been confirmed by scientists in Italy.
The 1,900-year-old mummy may have been royalty.
Early Mars may have gone through global megafloods, but was it habitable?
The boulder-like object has resumed its journey around the sun, but many other minimoons are waiting to be discovered.
The 10 billion-year-old fossil was named Heracles after the Greek Hero who was made immortal when the Milky Way was...
Leaf-cutter ant workers have a magnesium-rich biomineral armor that you'd expect to see in crustaceans rather than insects.
The cognitive enhancing effects were seen in healthy individuals so those experiencing cognitive decline may reap even more benefits.
World-renowned animal photographer Tim Flach says he wants to help people connect with nature.
Microplastics have been discovered from the depths of the ocean all the way to the highest mountain on Earth.
A procedure that has been routinely used to treat scuba divers suffering from decompression sickness may reverse aging and extend...
Both neural and galactic networks have the same structure, pointing to a fractal universe.
A new method creates diamonds in the lab in just minutes and at room temperature.
A brilliant scientist obsessed with climbing the highest peak in the Alps thought of a peculiar measuring instrument.
The stretchable sensors might make VR feel more real.
While other dinosaurs crumbled during a global extinction, altered plant life provided the perfect conditions for the rise of giant...
Credit: University of Zurich. More than 3,000 years ago, horsemen roaming the steppes of northwest China may have engaged in...
Here's why some people smell like Pepé Le Pew.
The billionaire inventor made some silly, entitled statements -- and the internet took note.
It typically takes 10 to 15 years to develop and approve a vaccine. This one might be ready in less...
A 19th-century monk grew over 10,000 pea plants to discover the fundamental laws of inheritance.
Access to the sum of all human knowledge comes at a premium and considerable risks in China.
There is still much to learn about CBD topicals but evidence so far is positive.
The Japanese weren’t ‘made’ to stay at home and social distance. They chose to and in doing so they averted...
Scientists hope to verify their observations with the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope in 2021.
Having patent information available to the public as early as possible is for the betterment of society.
The psilocybin was taken under assisted therapy and offered long-lasting protection against depression.
Big game hunting may have been gender neutral.