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Although this may sound alarming, scientists say that parents shouldn't necessarily be concerned.
There's a widening gap between how the youth and older generations perceive democracy.
Worker ants evolved strong thorax muscles for carrying loads many times their weight after losing their ability to fly.
The price that had to be paid was a pressure thousands of times higher than at the bottom of the Marianas trench.
Calcium flowing through tiny hairs of the plant's leaves determine when the Venus flytrap closes its jaw.
We were just lucky we made it last time climate change threatened our species.
These extreme survivors never cease to amaze us!
Is this AI the death-kneel of virtually all creative industries?
It's the only place other than Earth in our solar system that's known to have white-peaked mountains
These excess deaths have been indirectly attributed to COVID-19 due to the pandemic's disruptions.
That's nearly 90% of the US gross domestic product.
Although they had fur and whiskers, the earliest mammals had long lifespans like reptiles.
It's like Grammarly...but for editors!
A new report outlines the foundation for how science and art should work together to solve the world's most problematic issues.
Intelligence and resilience can be found all across the natural world.
An in-between sex can exist in nature, and moles are a prime example.
'I thought it to be the most beautiful mouse I had ever seen,' said one of the researchers.
Young people are actually getting priced out of private healthcare covers.
Could this be an everlasting battery?
Heating the stone tools improved blade production, a technique that wasn't seen again for thousands of years.
Keeping your social media profile closer to home improves your emotional health.
Could the use of blockchain help to prevent future pandemics?
The eggs uncovered a 137-kilometer long illegal trade chain.
The second largest sharks in geological history were half the size of Megalodon.
It took a while, but the devils are now back home!
Scientists find that birds are more human-like than previously thought.
The historic image was joined by previous observations of the black hole at the heart of the M87 galaxy.
"We didn't believe it at first," said one of the researchers.
Binge drinking didn't destroy neurons, but rather temporarily disrupted connections between them.
A synthetic approach for remodifying existing antibiotics could give us the upper hand against resistant bacteria.
These early hunter-gatherers also walked alongside ancient elephants and camels.
Previously, scientists thought that as many as 1 in 2 cases of COVID-19 were asymptomatic.
Face-processing algorithms show that displays of trustworthiness increased in line with economic development.
The bandage can stick to a fracture like a plaster, accelerating natural healing.
Our cells look younger than those of chimps due to chemical changes to our genome when we branched away from a common ancestor 8 million years ago.
The tree’s leaves contain a previously unidentified neurotoxin that latches on to fundamental mammalian pain receptors.
Vikings weren’t a group of barrel-chested, blond-haired, bearded men. Instead, they comprised many ethnicities and groups of people with different ancestries.
A steamy discovery.
The technique could improve livestock resilience against disease and enhance food production in an increasingly demanding world.
Micro-droplets of water under the lens snap first prize for science video competition.
When time-sensitive neurons get 'tired', our perception of time tends to get skewed.
A dog's cold nose aids in the heat detection of prey.
Internet access has become a basic human right.
A typical cumulus cloud weighs as much as 100 elephants.
These beefy amphibians are so strong, they can hurl 2 kg rocks to build their own ponds.
Energy from matter was always easy, but the reverse has been difficult to achieve -- until now.
The key to Neptune's blue marble apperance lies in its methane-rich atmosphere.
Vibrating liquids at certain frequencies can cause objects to exhibit anti-gravity effects.
Researchers used 'light cones' to draw boundaries and make AIs more human-like in predicting events in the future.
Researchers have programmed keratin sheets to always fold back to their designed shape -- not matter how complex.