More than 5,000 tons of extraterrestrial dust falls onto Earth every year
Forget about killer asteroids for a second. Most of the extraterrestrial matter on Earth is invisible to the naked eye.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Forget about killer asteroids for a second. Most of the extraterrestrial matter on Earth is invisible to the naked eye.
Scientists found that people are biased against subtractive solutions.
This could be the biggest news in physics since the Higgs boson.
Nature can be super savage.
This online tool ranks the scariest animal-borne viruses that either crossed or have the potential to cross species barriers.
In some situations, the combination of AI and robots can speed up experiments by a factor of x1000.
For every 13th COVID-related death, a child loses one parent.
The frenzy around the GameStop stock may have actually ignited genuine change that could save the company from bankruptcy.
Improvements in healthcare and the increasing use of IVF may explain why some many twins are getting born.
Replacing a single car trip with biking could dramatically lower your carbon footprint.
It was clear humans were warming the planet for some time -- now we have official confirmation.
This one-of-a-kind satellite can see through dense clouds and operate at night.
Would you use one in your phone though?
The use of electronic deterrents could avoid many potentially fatal shark bites.
It's like open-source software now.
This study is stretching the boundaries of life as we know it.
A rundown of the latest research on CBD as a therapy for anxiety and stress.
Listening to music stimulates the brain like many other things we find rewarding.
Scientists have discovered an underlying molecular link between venom glands in snakes and salivary glands in mammals.
Optical clocks use such high vibration oscillators that they may be used to detect gravitational waves.
Doctors thought he'd spend the rest of his life in a vegetative state. But the boy can talk, read, and...
What's the connection between a doughnut and rampant social inequality? Glad you asked...
A novel vaccine seems to stop tumors from growing in the brain.
A key molecular switch that can make ape brain organoids grow more like human organoids.
It had a massive two-foot beak that squeezed its brain.
The fabled Loch Ness Monster has always enchanted people's imagination.
A perfectly paired wine can make food taste better -- but the reverse is also true.
It's a finding well worth its salt.
Ultra-processed foods are virtually everywhere: in vending machines, fast food restaurants, and grocery stores.
Being exposed to the sounds of nature has important health benefits.
Another reason to hate COVID.
Is ketamine the miracle drug that we've all being waiting for?
Cholesterol is vital for the body's well-being. But too much of it can also kill.
Everyone knows narcissists are full of themselves -- but there's much more to it.
It's similar to how these clouds form on Earth only on a massive scale.
Credit: Geoff Gallice, Wikimedia Commons. Glass frogs are famous for their see-through skin that can even reveal the amphibians' internal...
A backup plan in case we screw up this planet for good.
The consensus is that all Bronze Age societies in Europe were patriarchal -- maybe not this one.
The experiment showed Newton's law of gravity holds true even between tiny masses measuring just 90 milligrams.
Turning fabrics into display electronics could lead to a new class of smart clothing.
Credit: Daan Roosegaarde. On a plot of farmland in Lelystad, Netherlands, art and technology merge in a stunning light show....
After three years since quitting steroids, some men still had abnormally low markers for healthy testicular function.
It is the first organoid of bone, a simplified version of the original.
A better, faster, and easier way to experience ZME Science.
Science isn't perfect, and neither was Darwin.
Second only to Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, Edvard Munch’s The Scream may be the most iconic human figure in...
This unique type of space weather could have important consequences for GPS systems.
Our planet is the ultimate matryoshka doll.
A two-lane road would use up to 3 million masks.