Scientists achieve brain-to-brain communication between humans
Not exactly telepathy but darn close, that's for sure.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Not exactly telepathy but darn close, that's for sure.
These concerning findings highlight the need for urgent action aimed at mitigating the effects of man-made climate change.
Its leaves pack one of the most painful stings in the world. There is no antidote.
Beethoven wrote dozens of symphonies and songs while deaf. But he had some help from a nifty trick.
Everything you need to know about the hereditary material in humans and virtually all other organisms.
"There always seems to be a new crop of believers. Maybe just think of it as a cult that can...
The fish absorb up to 99.95% of the light that hits them.
The cute water bears could give scientists hints as to whether or not life can survive interplanetary travel on meteorites.
The monkeys have settled in a thick mangrove forest near an urban airport.
You've guessed it: climate change strikes again.
China is the only country after the U.S. to successfully land a rover on Mars.
It's so big it can hardly fly.
The existence of these extremely rare crystals was thought to be impossible until a few decades ago.
Deaths due to the pressures of working 55 hours per week or more are on the rise, says WHO.
Solid state batteries could finally make electric vehicles truly competitive with conventional cars.
"It is not an exaggeration to say that long COVID-19 is America's next big health crisis," said concerned scientists.
For three and a half centuries, the three-body problem has proven intractable. But an eight-dimensional loophole could prove our best...
The bubbles simultaneously act as a scuba tank and gills to extend time under water.
Scientists warn that the stratosphere could lose 4% of its thickness by the end of the century.
The strict separation between the islanders’ families may have ensured their cultural survival.
The patient, paralyzed from the neck down, was able to text almost as fast as able-bodied peers on smartphones.
Sugar-rich food, not just meat, fueled the big-brained lineages.
A fake vaccination campaign designed to confirm Bin laden's location harmed legitimate vaccine programs in the country years later.
Even if it's an optical illusion, 'if it fits, I sits'.
Exercise is really good for the body. Your liver will be among the first to say 'thanks!'
At home in both weekend raves and the psychiatric ward, MDMA is not your typical street drug.
By 2024, the bitcoin network is set to use as much energy as a medium-sized country like Italy.
In an industry filled with fakes and scams, creatine monohydrate is like a breath of fresh air.
The very first life forms were likely self-reproductive. Many still are to this day.
These look like renderings from a video game. Only they're real!
Hard water can ruin your washing machine, but also your hair and skin. On the flipside, it's great for drinking!
The wells are often the only source of water for miles in the middle of a scorching desert.
Scientists have found a link between shortened telomeres and excessive sleepiness.
California's redwood forest has the tallest trees in the world. Let's see why.
A drug that interferes with certain molecular signaling allows wounds to heal with normal skin.
Most people don't experience side effects to the COVID vaccines. Here's why you shouldn't be particularly worried.
The study may explain why there is such rich diversity in attractiveness perception.
From this vantage point, the ISS looks like a X-Wing fighter from Star Wars.
Humanity is massively overshooting the planet's resources. It's time to give Earth a much needed breather.
Melting glaciers and the depletion of groundwater has redistributed so much mass that the poles started to drift.
An invasion of locusts, a karate school in Syria, and a professional Russian slap in the face, are among this...
The Unicorn is just three times the mass of the Sun, making it one of the smallest ever found.
Male fruit flies have more DNA repeats that may explain their shorter lifespan compared to females.
The findings suggest that gender differences in math are socially-induced rather than innately biological.
Concrete is an electrical insulator -- but a sprinkle of nanocarbon allows electrons to flow.
Although this ancient Hebrew text is written in the same handwriting, a computer algorithm was able to spot two distinct...
Chess quickly teaches you how to walk the fine line between good and poor risk-taking.
Their shimmery wings actually act as camouflage.
The Olympic Games have swelled in cost and carbon footprint. It is time for some changes.