Scientists make foot-tickling device that fits inside shoes to relieve stress
This is not just some quirky gadget though.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
This is not just some quirky gadget though.
Pure MDMA taken in the right amount and setting can be an antidepressant, whereas the typical use at raves leads...
Amazon locals are afraid to pee while swimming in the river due to a tiny fish. But is there any...
Sorry to bust your bubble, but there's no such thing as photographic memory. Here's the next best thing.
It's the fish that fishes other fish -- and it's pretty amazing at the job!
Cleaning up contaminated soil is notoriously challenging -- unless you let nature do all the heavy lifting.
Macaques' brains seem to be shaped by the strength of their social bonds -- and the same may apply to...
Some of the most mind blowing discoveries happen when you least expect them.
Home delivery companies have had a good run but many customers say they will revert back to their old ways...
In retrospect, this is in fact the very first interstellar object we've ever found.
This could be the next major iteration in computing.
Contrary to popular belief, a vegan diet is not only natural for dogs, but also healthier.
Scientists claim they've now uncovered the fundamental mechanism that makes psilocybin so good against depression.
The theoretical framework that is supposed to explain how nature around us works failed a critical test.
The macho Viking myth is being challenged by a Medieval warrior with XXY chromosomes.
An equation that tries to dispel one of life's greatest mysteries.
Some lucky ape-like ancestor got it 20 million years ago.
When installed, the wind turbine will sweep an area equivalent to more than six football fields.
It's an early step towards night vision devices that produce more ‘day-like’ images.
It's surprising no one noticed this before, but a happy accident changed all that.
Scientists have direct photographic evidence of a Jupiter-like protoplanet forming through an until now unproven mechanism.
The ultimate goal is to close the gap between machine and human reasoning.
It's the racist uncle of computers.
The revolutionary aircraft design could cut fuel consumption by 20%.
We may not always speak the same language, but at least we can agree on what smells good or bad.
The first recordings of sound on Mars are not what you'd expect.
Scientists have identified a compound that decreases the level of antibodies produced by the immune system when it encounters an...
It's a huge milestone for science but it may take many years before we reap the benefits.
Used tires are not biodegradable nor are they easily recyclable. But scientists may have found a useful second life for...
It's a targeted approach that may shrink tumors without hurting healthy tissue.
When art and astronomy meet, the results are always stellar.
Thieves usually operate under the cover of night, but it seems like completely dark streets may scare them away.
By treating the stock market like a network, researchers have devised new tools that could forecast future financial crises and...
No cat would get hurt in the process, the researchers claim.
Only a lucky few have ever been able to see this amazing plant up close.
Man-made plastic has become so ubiquitous, it's now flowing through our blood.
"It's the find of a lifetime, genuinely," said one of the researchers responsible for the discovery.
There's still a lot of room to improve data transmission speeds.
The US and EU announced a new partnership to ship more gas in light of Russian aggression.
They're less aggressive but more likely to be master manipulators that could turn your life into a mess.
The largest carnivorous dinosaurs that ever lived actually loved to hunt underwater.
Don't be fooled. Hearing the same lie 1,000 times doesn't make it less false.
It's a major step up compared to traditional therapy that involves anesthesia and sometimes surgery.
The courageous man can now communicate with the outside world -- something that was impossible without the implant.
The phallic figurine was thought to depict Heracles or an actual giant slain by local villagers. Now, scientists have learned...
Social forces are encouraging orangutans to develop novel vocalizations.
The scientists made Ice-VIIt in the lab by squeezing water at a pressure more than 50,000 that found at sea...
The elks couldn't save themselves in the end, as Utah handed out hunting permints for private lands.
High-tech facial recognition AI is now joining the battlefield in Ukraine.
Humans make decisions based on emotions, not logic.