Archaeologists find 1,700-year-old Roman sandal in melting ice in Norway
It looks so out of place and we have so many questions.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
It looks so out of place and we have so many questions.
Listening music close to bedtime can cause restless sleep
Discover the extraordinary world of endorphins and how they bring joy and vitality to your daily life.
The unexpected discovery started in the halls of a dusty museum.
Researchers are baffled by strange sounds of unknown origin in the stratosphere.
The human "pangenome" is a full genetic sequence that incorporates genomes from not just one individual, but 47.
The most infuriating thing about this is that methane leaks aren't all that hard to fix.
Virtual reality just got more immersive with this face mask that lets you smell things in real time.
Rapeseed cake is only suitable for farm animals, but new research may finally open up its huge protein potential to...
Along with COVID and the flu, RSV was part of a "tridemic" last winter.
The mysterious tracks are likely of biological origin, made perhaps by a large aquatic animal that has yet to be...
Scientists learn how to be more social with unfamiliar cats.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates mood and behavior and is associated with happiness and contentment.
Black widows have a really bad rep, but is it all deserved?
Explore the power of dopamine, the "happy" chemical in the brain, and discover how it impacts our mood, motivation, and...
Discover the fiery geological wonders of the Ring of Fire and how it has impacted the surrounding regions over time.
There are more than 6,000 ships carrying containers around the world at any point in time.
We weren't expecting good news about microplastic pollution.
The proposed system could make the much touted superconductivity feasible.
It sounds like it will be soon approved by the FDA, but there are still unknowns.
The fortified camps were likely staging areas for an undocumented military campaign against an ancient kingdom in modern-day Jordan.
Superposition shouldn't be possible for objects larger than an atom -- but these scientists are defying conventional wisdom.
These tiny nanocapsules could be a game changer for beer brewing.
A newly identified molecular pathway in the amygdala could be key to staving off anxiety disorders.
The transition of ocean creatures to landlubbers was one of the most epic journeys in evolutionary history.
Moving beyond batteries when addressing renewable energy storage.
With the help of tiny engineered chips, the study shows the healing process can be accelerated up to three times...
Johns Hopkins researchers cured aggressive brain cancer in mice with a hydrogel after tumor removal.
This is the outlandish story of cargo cults who build mock airplanes made out of rope and straw so they...
The terms equity and equality are often used interchangeably. But they are not the same.
Coding is the easy part of programming. Here's why the two are fundamentally different.
Elon Musk's latest venture, TruthGPT, promises to be a "maximum truth-seeking AI." But is it really about seeking truth or...
Chemicals released by predators could serve as a pesticide alternative for ridding fields of insects.
The African crested rat is a rabbit-sized rodent that is the only known mammal to sequester plant toxins as a...
Newly identified "height genes" may influence adult stature by affecting cartilage cell development.
It triggered a mega-tsunami nearly 45 meters tall.
Continuous infusion with varying doses of exogenous hormones could be a safer and effective alternative.
The story of how genetics shaped chicken into the go-to protein of choice around the world.
Most people aren't getting what they're paying for.
Ancient proteins trapped in dental calculus reveal how people conquered the rough Tibetan hinterlands.
New dark matter map shows unseen features of the universe and offers insights into the "Crisis in Cosmology."
The sandgrouse can carry water in its belly feathers from miles away. Now, scientists finally learned how the birds pull...
Urban elites over-consume water for their own personal leisure, at the expense of underprivileged people.
Even if you just power walk during the weekend, you'll still be ahead with your fitness.
The world's largest pyramids continue to reveal their secrets.
We're growing food in all the wrong places.
The Artemis II mission is scheduled for launch in late 2024 and is a critical step towards NASA’s goals of...
A lot of people suffer from visual impairment due to not getting enough sunlight.
Virus-resistant bacteria could drastically improve drug manufacturing in bio-factories.
In the future, some diapers could act like a mini labs to immediately detect potential health problems.