The moon is slowly shrinking — and it’s triggering powerful moonquakes that could derail lunar colonization
Moonquakes shake up plans for human settlements.
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Moonquakes shake up plans for human settlements.
Researchers uncover how exactly tardigrades endure extreme conditions, potentially paving the way for new medical innovations.
The object of desire of many fools, pyrite is one of the most fascinating minerals.
You won't like what you hear.
The world of sugar dating is highly nuanced, challenging many of our stereotypes.
The EU and China navigate tensions amid rising green technology trade.
A fresh look at ancient texts reveals a rare glimpse of dementia in history.
Ambient light sensors in smartphones could pose unexpected privacy risks.
Scientists kept a pig's brain alive outside its body for five hours, challenging the boundaries between life, technology, and the...
New studies show that Neanderthals and humans shared northern Europe for thousands of years.
It's perfectly normal to mix the names of loved ones. It's called a cognitive glitch.
Beijing's Betavolt claims a 50-year maintenance-free, nuclear battery.
New findings indicate old childhood growth hormone treatments may be linked to early onset Alzheimer's disease
After a century of speculation, a deep-sea drone may have finally located Amelia Earhart's lost aircraft in the Pacific Ocean.
The 3D scans of ancient ape bones reveal new insights into the evolution of bipedalism.
The hormone seems to diminish the 'audience effect'.
Feeding a vegan diet to a carnivore might sound like a bad idea, but they actually seem to do well.
Alligators survive freezing temperatures by entering brumation, sticking their snouts out of ice-covered waters to breathe.
Researchers found that the bacteria not only consume the plastic but also transform it into something extraordinary.
Using Robopteryx, a robotic model, scientists show that early flightless dinosaurs likely used proto-wings for hunting, not for flight.
Viruses are not just dangerous invaders. Ancient viral legacy is likely key to early human development.
New technology is revealing the world as animals see it.
University of Nottingham scientists created a one-dimensional gas by trapping krypton atoms in carbon nanotubes, offering new insights into atomic...
The dark story of a 17th-century Hungarian countess and her torturous escapades.
If all goes well, it could hit the market in 2-3 years.
The largest trial of a four-day workweek shows promising results for well-being and productivity.
New research is challenging long-held views about this massive prehistoric shark's body shape.
Feldspars are the most abundant class of minerals in the Earth's crust.
Mica is a generic term for a group of complex potassium-aluminum silicate minerals.
This unusual discovery bridges a gap in the evolutionary story of felines.
Scientists took a thorough look at how dog size influences their health risks and lifespans.
Calcite is a common mineral and the principal constituent of limestone and marble.
Keith Haring must be turning in his grave.
A lead sling bullet inscribed with "CAES," found in Spain, highlights Roman military strategies and psychological tactics from Caesar's era.
New research finds a simple vitamin A derivative is the key to our extraordinary color perception.
These talented primates have a unique vocal ability that sheds light on human speech evolution.
New research shows how machine learning taps into brain responses to accurately predict hit songs with near-perfect accuracy.
The autonomous robot is remarkably dexterous around the kitchen.
This exciting find was discovered among fossils previously labelled as T. rex.
Water bottles are filled with thousands of tiny plastic particles.
A mineral is a naturally occurring, inorganic solid substance with a specific chemical composition and a defined crystalline structure. Unlike...
Shark have outlived dinosaurs but they're now struggling due to overfishing.
It's so large you can see it with the naked eye.
It's one of the most interesting types of rock in geology.
Even people with no prior experience with chickens could correctly identify what these feathered creatures felt.
A newly discovered Roman temple in Italy reveals Constantine's reign shows a blend of Christianity and paganism.
Benjamin List's groundbreaking research defied the field and created sustainable, safer catalysts.
The study could finally explain, at least partly, mysterious near-death experiences some people have.
The fish come from the ocean's deepest trenches.
Cannabis enhances workout enjoyment but not performance, says new study.