Earliest evidence of pollination is 100 million years-old, found in perfectly preserved insects
Scientists have uncovered pieces of fossilized amber containing tiny female insects called thrips, which upon closer inspections were found to...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Scientists have uncovered pieces of fossilized amber containing tiny female insects called thrips, which upon closer inspections were found to...
According to the World Wildlife Fund's annual Living Planet report, humans are using Earth's resources at a rate 1.5 times greater...
The Cross River gorilla is a critically endangered gorilla species, native to the border region of Nigeria-Cameroon. Today, only about...
Since the space shuttle program was cancelled last year, NASA has been looking for various alternatives to sending manned crews...
Astronomers have observed a huge sunspot group on the surface of the sun, sized at more than 60,000 miles across, which...
Horses are arguably one of the most helpful animals man has ever managed to domesticate. At first they were used...
Last year, we reported on one of the most gruesome and horrific acts that goes on in nature; it seems...
Skin and hair color are most inherited from parents, and usually hint pretty accurately to a person's ethnicity. Dark skin...
An interesting conversation can instantly make a turn for the worst when bad breath hops into the scene. We've all...
During the tumultuous Cretaceous and Jurassic periods if you could only choose one word to describe the world, it would've certainly be...
Most digital devices today, like displays or blue-ray disks, use lasers which emit the colors red, green and blue, which...
Evolution, in very loose lines, is defined as the process which allows a species to survive by passing on the...
Summer is set to kick-off with a series of beautiful Venus related events, from an astronomical point of view at...
A team of researchers at Penn State University has identified 24 new species of skinks, a subspecies of lizards, native...
Astronomers classify galaxies into three basic types: elliptical (flat, elongated shape), spiral (most easily recognizable and common - described by...
The Amur leopard is a beautiful leopard subspecies native to the region of the Russian far east, which since 1996...
“Would you make the same decisions in a foreign language as you would in your native tongue?” asks Boaz Keysar,...
A team of international scientists claim that they've found evidence of the first non-human species that cultivates planets for non-food...
Scientists have described and proven how many of the world's phenomenae function, from the very fundamental laws of Newtonian mechanics,...
The age-old question of who came first - the chicken or the egg - has been pondered countless times, and...
One of the cutting edge technologies currently used today in manufacturing allows for printing materials directly onto a surface to...
A moonless night might offer the best setting for the best view of the upcoming Lyrid meteor shower in years...
Graphene has been countless times hailed as the material at the forefront of the coming technological leaps ahead in the...
Some time ago we told you about one of the most fascinating facts this blog has ever published, namely how...
It seems we've been privileged with yet another time-lapse video showing our marvelous blue marble planet in all its splendor as seen...
Dmitri Krioukov, a physicist at University of California in San Diego, was recently fined by a police officer for allegedly driving...
Sometime at the beginning of the year I mentioned in post that once stepping into the age of Terahertz electromagnetic...
Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a new technique of cooling electronic devices which they claim and prove...
IBM has teamed up with Zapadoslovenska energetika (ZSE), the biggest electric company in Slovakia, for a feasibility study which aims to prepare Bratislava, the...
A remarkable paleontological discovery surfaced from China recently, after scientists reported they've found fossils belonging to the Yutyrannus huali,a very close...
Encompassing years worth of work, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III) has now precisely measured the distance between over a quarter...
While on the macro-scale conventional scales make us of gravity to measure mass, on the microscale there are a myriad...
To test their algorithm, the researchers designed and built a system of 'smart pebbles' — cubes about 10 millimeters to...
Backed by an international consortium, ten years from now the world's largest and most sensitive radio telescope in the world...
Boston Dynamics is at the forefront of robotic research and development at the moment, fact very easily attested just by...
One of the most outstanding dreams astronomers and other scientists hope to accomplish is to someday encounter proof that extraterestrial...
Plastic surgeons at University of Maryland performed the most complex facial reconstruction surgery to date, which included the replacements of...
Hailed as yet another big step towards devising working quantum computers, scientists at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) have successfully managed to generate quantum...
In the year 2011 alone, the US faced 14 extreme weather events, while Japan registered record rainfalls and the Yangtze river...
This Friday, ground mission control ordered the current stationed astronaut crew at the International Space Station to head for the...
Neurons are the absolute core components of the nervous system that transmit information through electrical and chemical signals. I once...
When the brain deems an experience meaningful enough, it will transfer that information from short-term storage, where typically information like...
You might have thought I made a typo and that I was probably meaning to say $500 million, but truth...
After a three year effort, researchers at Virginia Tech have successfully managed to create a silicone robot that functions underwater by...
The now retired Concorde turbojets were the fastest civilian airliners in the world, capable of carrying passengers from Paris to...
Since it was first discovered more than four hundred years ago by Galileo Galilei, Jupiter's innermost moon Io has played...
One of the biggest anthropological mysteries scientists have been trying to unravel is the long put question of how did...
July 20th, 1969 marked the day man first set foot on the moon, as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin gracefully...
China is the most pollutant country in the world, and as it continues to develop industrially, one can only expect...
We've reported in the past about the frightening, ever growing cases of honeybee population dye-offs of the past few years,...