Helium presence confirmed on the Moon’s thin atmosphere
According to recent findings as a result of observations from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), it seems like the moon's...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
According to recent findings as a result of observations from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), it seems like the moon's...
Immediately after the incident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, as a result of the devastating tsunami which swept...
Since it landed, the Mars Science Laboratory mission has offered a series of premieres for space exploration like the first-ever panorama of...
Several groups are seeking to have the great white shark declared an endangered species by the federal government. (Al Seib,...
Not one, but two independent high-energy particle physics laboratories in New York (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider - RHIC) and Geneva...
Spintronics, or spin transport electronics, is a sort of emerging technology that scientists have been studying for a while in...
(c) DANA SMITH Dr. Jay Bradner, a physician and chemical biologist at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, makes beating cancer sound...
Ok, enough of the low-res, black and white photos from Curiosity. NASA just released the first high-resolution, nearly dust free,...
This is a still image from a video fly-through of the SDSS-III galaxies mapped in Data Release 9. (c) SDSS...
Strap on your 3-D glasses, folks. Curiosity is back on ZME Science, this time in full 3-D. We just got...
Hope you're all not too bored by the influx of Curiosity we've been feeding these past few days. We believe...
Two recently released studies by teams of international researchers sequenced the genomes of two major strains of the parasitic disease...
Yes, Curiosity has landed! And like we've reported earlier, right after the rover landed on the martian surface, it beamed...
At precisely 10:32 p.m. Pacific time (1:32 a.m. EDT/0530 GMT), today, August 6, NASA's Curiosity Rover touched down on martian soil...
Many people who have gone through near-death experiences recall a "light at the end of the tunnel". Such cultural aspects...
The European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope in Chile is back with yet another stunning gem. This spectacular spiral...
Both Boeing and SpaceX are set to split as much as $1 billion in federal awards destined to spur development...
Anthropologists believe cacao beans and pods were mainly used in pre-Hispanic cultures as a beverage, a practice which can be...
Octopoteuthis deletron. Image: UC Berkeley Seems like there's always a study that comes along once in a while describing yet...
Scientists who studied sediment cores drilled from the ocean floor off the Antarctic coast, have found on subsequent analysis fossil...
Arguably one of the most recognized landmarks in the world, London's Tower Bridge received a full relamping in celebration for...
Someone whose been driving for 20 years, let's say, in the United States and somehow ends up driving a car...
The moon wasn't actually blue in this photo, as the photographer used a blue filter for his camera. (c) Kostian...
China is set on covering a lot of lost ground in its race of becoming a full fledged space super...
Workers explore South Africa's Border Cave. A study shows modern culture may have emerged in the area much earlier than...
Just last week, man's first step on the moon turned 43 years. Uncoincidently, maybe, NASA announced recently that its Lunar...
Scientists at the University of Texas at Austin, in collaboration with colleagues in Taiwan and China, have developed what's considered...
Touchscreen technology has been in use for many years, but when the first iPhone came out some six years ago,...
Graphene is an atomic-scale honeycomb lattice made of carbon atoms. It seems scientists have yet to draw the line on...
A giant landslide on Iapetus reaches halfway across a 75-mile (120 kilometer) impact crater.(c) NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute Planetary scientist Kelsi...
If you're reading ZME Science from home, chances are that you've got a can of beer or soda in someplace...
A new research has found that the massively powerful O-type stars, which can be up to 90 times more powerful...
Scientists from Britain have found a remote ice rift valley, up to one mile deep, under the ice in Antarctica. The...
Defense, like offence, is expensive for any animal. It takes resources and a lot of energy, and for some, it...
Alright, the analogy might not be the best. The Large Hadron Collider is a high energy particle accelerator, while the Alpha Magnetic...
According to the Fluoride Action Network there are at present 24 independent studies which have a direct link between fluoride...
Artist impression of the Kepler-30 solar system, complete with its planets' orbits. (c) Cristina Sanchis Ojeda Researchers at MIT, the...
Without more careful monitoring and efforts, some protected reserves are actually doing worse off than before. Wikimedia Commons Biodiversity helps...
The 3D printing revolution is right around the corner. While we might still be a few years away from seeing...
When you first see this magnificent painting by Ukranian painter Oleg Shuplyak, your brain perceives the portrait of the famous...
One of the many Mayan stucco masks uncovered at the newly discovered temple. It shows the Maya sun god as...
NASA satellite images showed the extent of surface melt on Greenland's ice sheet on July 8, on the left, and...
In this amazing slow-motion video, the folks from ZT Research used a high resolution camera to capture a full lightning...
You just got out of the office, looking to head home to a soothing dinner, only to find that it's...
A new research has found after analyzing the genomes of polar bears and brown bears that the two species interbred,...
For the past couple of years NASA has been testing a new atmospheric re-entry system, designed to offer pods and...
In what can only be described as a milestone in biological and genetic engineering, scientists at Stanford University have, for...
A team led by researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Harvard University have built this remarkable display...
Hey, guys! We've received some great feedback from our previous contest, when we offered an awesome DNA portrait to one...
Artist's rendering of the oldest known spiral galaxy - 11 billion years old. The red area in the upper right...