Great garbage patches in the Great Lakes resemble those in the Pacific
pollution-garbage-island In the 1980s a report described how a ginormous patch of plastic trash was guided by currents and concentrated right in...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
pollution-garbage-island In the 1980s a report described how a ginormous patch of plastic trash was guided by currents and concentrated right in...
A University of Alberta researcher has identified some of the strongest evidence ever found that dinosaurs could paddle long distances....
Billions of years ago, Mars had a much richer atmosphere than it has today, which is rather an understatement considering...
Artist's conception shows the International Space Station in the midst of an experiment in quantum entanglement.CREDIT: ESA One of the...
This might strike some of you as a surprise, but turbulence, a phenomenon we all encounter on a daily basis...
Possibly the most exciting technological innovation of the decade, in terms of the impact it's projected to have, 3-D printing...
What's the difference between a solid and liquid? You might find this question trivial - naturally, liquids flow and solids......
Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have come across the farthest supernova of its type found thus far - a type Ia...
Since it was first described sometime in the 1960s, the ionic thruster has remained confined to hobbyists basements, shadowed by the...
Driven by technological demand to breach the gigahertz (10^9 hertz) switching speed limit of today’s magnetic memory and logic devices, a team of...
Our close primate relatives, chimpanzees, have been constantly amazing us with their incredible cognitive abilities and personality traits that are...
(c) RANIL P. NANAYAKKARA A Sri Lanka researcher has discovered a new tarantula species, and it's literally a big deal....
A $1.6 billion cosmic ray experiment on the International Space Station has come across evidence of antimatter in space, a remarkable...
In the past few years a relatively new field of science has surfaced into mainstream discussions, especially those concerning biodiversity...
One of the biggest problem in psychiatry today, though the doctors practicing it regularly hand out medication and treatment, is...
When you think of robots, the first thing you might think of are anthropological-looking tin cans that beep around and perform...
Artist illustration of the supermassive black hole consuming on a substellar object. (C) ESA In an unexpected discovery, astronomers have...
The gecko is a phenomenal reptile which has always amazed observers, and especially scientists, thanks to its remarkable ability to...
In a society that attempts to pass from an opulent attitude towards consumption to a much more temperate, health-centered one,...
There are a number of daily chores, activities and trifles that require a distinct amount of care and attention when...
After scientists have devised materials that rend objects optically invisible, researchers in Spain have developed a method that allowed them...
A new survey conducted by researchers at University of Southern University, Harvard University and Peking University have found that lifestyle choices...
A new study stresses the overlooked hazards that dumped pharmaceuticals found in wastewater pose to the world's freshwater streams. So...
At the advent of the transistor during the middle of the last century, computers simply boomed as a new era...
Since Curiosity landed, it has more than made its money worth, especially considering the mission's most recent official public briefing when...
A while ago, we wrote about the ongoing efforts to pinpoint the cause that gives rise to the thousands of...
Flight Engineer Alexander Misurkin (left), Soyuz Commander Pavel Vinogradov (center) and Flight Engineer Chris Cassidy of NASA pose for pictures...
A team of researchers from the US claim they have finally found tangible evidence that will once and for all...
For some years now, scientists have been exploring the use of quantum dots as the basis for a novel type...
It's rather difficult to imagine a video game for the blind, seeing they can't actually see, but what people should...
The Peruvian capital of Lima, along with its outskirts, is plagued by a vicious drought, which coupled with pollution and...
Supernovae are highly energetic events caused by the explosion of stars that are at times so bright they can outshine...
For more than 50 years since its discovery, the single-celled organism Tetrahymena thermophila has stirred curiosity around its seven sexes. UC Santa Barbara...
An international team of physicists have used one of the world's most powerful lasers to create an unusual kind of...
We live in a society that's increasingly isolating individuals, as age-long cultural and community habits die off. Prior to the...
Iberian lynx mother and cub. The Iberian lynx is the only wild cat listed as critically endangered by the International Union for...
The Takahe is a flightless bird that was previously thought to be extinct in New Zealand until it was discovered...
When two fluid jets meet, they might coalescence or not depending on a number of factors. The 19th century born John...
Brown-polar-bear hybrids at Germany’s Osnabrück Zoo. (c) Corradox/Wikimedia Commons What do you get when you cross a grizzly bear with...
One of the biggest hurdles the solar energy industry currently faces is efficiently transforming the incoming energy from the sun's...
The current leading theory that explains the mass extinction of the dinosaurs - once the dominant group of animals on...
Some 200 million years ago half of all life on Earth went extinct, thus providing a window of opportunity for...
If you have really young kids, under three of four years old, you might have noticed just how tricky they...
A false-color scanning electron microscope image of the etched circuit that produces the sound laser. (c) Imran Mahboob Trekkies have...
Cosmic microwave background seen by Planck. (c) ESA Using the incredible Planck cosmology probe astronomers at the European Space Agency have assembled...
Miniaturization is a fad that's increasingly popular in the field of medicine for obvious reasons, and scientists at EPFL have recently made...
(c) Brown University Millions of years ago, an ancient tectonic plate called the Farallon oceanic plate used to sit between the...
There are millions of asteroids in our solar system. Be them the size of France or a small bus, these...
German scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig have completed the first high-quality draft Neanderthal genome sequence,...
Physicists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, once home to the longest particle accelerator for...