4D printing may pave way for a new kind of smart materials
A team of scientists, part of a collaborative effort involving multiple Universities from the U.S., are proposing to take 3D...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
A team of scientists, part of a collaborative effort involving multiple Universities from the U.S., are proposing to take 3D...
(c) YouTube screenshot Last week we showed you some great fluid dynamics at work - water bridges between two beakers...
Professor Zhang Li shows enlarged images of his team's medical microbots that are being tested. Photo: Nora Tam Researchers at...
Nanofabricated chips of fused silica just 3 millimeters long were used to accelerate electrons at a rate 10 times higher...
(c) oxbridgebiotech.com After they identified precise groups of cells in mice brain that induce eating and others that curb it,...
Silk flows from a spiny-backed spider. Kunkel Microscopy, Inc./Visuals Unlimited, Inc./Corbis In a mind boggling act, spiders are capable of...
Death is ubiquitous and inevitable, and people have learned to cope with it in various ways. In some places of...
Researchers at Purdue University found that a local bus system running on natural gas is more economically feasible and less...
The World Solar Challenge is a biennial race from Darwin to Adelaide, spanning 3000km of the Australian outback. It attracts teams...
From left, Lena Ek, Ministry of the Environment of Sweden, Prof. Thomas Stocker, IPCC working group and Prof. Dahe Qin,...
Stanford chemical engineers have developed a theoretical model that sheds light on the electrical conductivity properties of polymers. Their work...
This primitive fish might be the first animal with a face. (c) Nature A lot of complex organisms, be them...
Orville and Wilbur Wright are credited as the first men who built an aircraft capable of manned controlled flight. The...
In an inspiring breakthrough, Stanford researchers have created the first ever working computer made entirely out of carbon nanotubes. The...
Coma patients, be it inflicted from trauma or initiated by doctors to preserve bodily functions, have their brain activity regularly...
Are you ready to greet our new office robot overlords? (C) MotherJonas An Oxford study that assessed the risks...
This galaxy weighs more than 200 million suns, over half of which is concentrated within a radius of just 80...
Magnified view of the first known biological gears present at the hind legs of the issus, a fast accelerating hopping...
(c) Sharif University of Technology The experiment: two identical glass beakers filed with deionized water are put into contact. A...
(c) Nature We sleep for roughly a third of our lifetime. All complex organisms sleep, one way or the other,...
A Harvard longitudinal study that looked at 734,889 people who were diagnosed with cancer between 2004 and 2008 found that married...
When the Sahara comes to mind, lush greenery and gorgeous, fast flowing waters might be the last scenery that crosses...
Some people are born with the innate ability, or better said disability, of not feeling pain - whatsoever. It's not...
The same organisms that make pandas effective at digesting bamboo may help turn plant waste into biofuels, according to researchers....
Counter the popular dictum "out of sight, out of mind", Kerri Boutelle, professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at University of California,...
A common lament we often encounter in today's society is just how boring some people's jobs are. We all have...
The CubeSat is a revolutionizing miniaturized communications satellite only 10x10x10 cm. Because of its tiny size and weight, these satellites...
(C) Youtube screenshot Loliginidae, also known as pencil squids, are formidable animals that can change their colour matching their surroundings...
To the right is a honeycomb of graphene atoms. To the left is a double strand of DNA. The white...
A cross-disciplinary team of scientists at Harvard that developed a novel type of vaccine for treating melanoma - the most...
Henry Ford's Model T automobile changed not only the way the average American traveled (the first trully affordable vehicle for...
Since the study of modern chemistry was initiated, only 36 basic types of chemical reactions have been fully described. Recently,...
It's amazing how two different animals from two completely different environments evolve some identical physical features. Take bats and dolphins...
In one of Stanley Kubrick's weirdest movies (even by Kubrick standards), "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying...
(c) LEGO There's a huge gender gap between men and women in science that can be tied to early segregation...
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), recently initiated a bold and creative project in which they enlisted six member...
In 2010, 4,280 pedestrians were killed in traffic crashes in the United States, and another 70,000 pedestrians were injured. Various...
Today, cancer is typically treated through highly invasive, painful and low efficiency treatments. Doctors resect the tumors, do radiation therapy,...
Dark energy is the mysterious force that drives the Universe's expansion at an ever increased pace. Probing and understanding this...
Every time we're engaged in a certain action, the sounds we produce while walking, eating, even playing music are tuned...
While browsing reddit the other day, I came across a most peculiar finding. One of the users, Decapod73 or Tony Alexander in...
=Poverty posses long-lasting social, emotional and, least not forget, cognitive perils. A recent study found that people under financial strain...
It's a lazy dog owner's dream come true. What if you had a remote control that you could use to...
One of the smallest amphibians in the world, the Gardiner's Seychelles frog, is also one of the most eccentric. The frog...
The high temperatures of the meteorite impact 12,900 years ago produced mm-sized spherules of melted glass with the mullite and...
Say hello to drop-proof smartphones and whole new generation of plastic products that will be far more durable and strong...
A new study that surveyed through records of hundreds of thousands of men from 15 European countries found that the...
In a breakthrough moment, researchers at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed a novel material resembling a simple...
A common and favored method of execution in ages long past, decapitation is one of the cruelest and frightening human...
Most medical research looking to identify the mechanisms of a disease or test treatments rely on animal models. While very...