Virtual reality for rats shows how different brain functions cooperate during navigation
Some people are better navigators than others, i.e. men better than women. Whether you can make your way effortlessly through...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Some people are better navigators than others, i.e. men better than women. Whether you can make your way effortlessly through...
A mockup of the fuel cell prepped for released by Redox Power Systems. There's been a lot of praise and...
Tesla Model S at a charging station A lot of Americans are buying into the electric car dream. As noble...
(c) Mars Orbiter Mission India is a sort of economic paradox. Its general population is among the poorest in the...
(c) James E. Short. The U.S. is not only the biggest energy consumer per capita in the lord, but also...
After performing an exhaustive quantitative research across numerous plant species, scientists at UCLA's College of Letters and Science have found that...
Illustration of a exoplanet transiting its parent star in the observational plane. (C) Although the Kepler Space Telescope itself...
What is creativity? Although definitions vary, one might be inclined to say that creativity, ultimately, is anything that has to...
A team of researchers at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Transylvania) claim they have developed artificial blood which has so far...
What difference does a grade make? Quite a lot, if we're to consider the latest findings from Duke University researchers....
Researchers at University of Cincinnati have developed an unique all-in-one nanostructure: it can both diagnose cancer cells and deliver its...
These are NASA Hubble Space Telescope natural-color images of four target galaxy clusters that are part of an ambitious new...
Scientists claim they have identified a 'crystal ball' mathematical equation which can be used to predict if a system is...
Infertility affects 7.3 million people in the U.S, representing 12% of women of childbearing age, or 1 in 8 couples....
More than on one occasion, the Enterprise's chief medical officer Dr. Leonard McCoy laments how barbaric surgeons of the XXth...
The quantum dot device structure shown with a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of a cross-section of a real device....
Mysterious and elusive, dark matter has escaped scientists time and time again; yet confirming its existence is quintessential to current...
(c) University of Texas One of the greatest mysteries scientists have been trying to reveal is how inanimate chemicals joined...
Craig Venter at Synthetic Genomics. (c) Mark Mahaney/Redux /Eyevine Craig Venter may just be the most arrogant high-profile scientist today,...
Miners trapped inside a mine following a collapsing tunnel or skiers covered in deadly snow after an avalanche might be...
Lozano holds a prototype of a microthruster, developed to propel small satellites in space. PHOTO: BRYCE VICKMARK Paulo Lozano, of...
The 19 days long Government shutdown was finally lifted recently, as thousands of employees returned to their day jobs. The...
Anti-baldness treatments available today work by stimulating hair follicle health or slow down hair loss. There is no available method...
Laura Major of Draper Laboratory holds an Android device with the airstrike app open. (Draper Laboratory) Yeah, I know -...
Some of you might find it surprising to hear that a lot of animals engage in homosexual behavior. Close to...
(C) HEVO A 2013 study by MIT indicates that 53,000 early deaths per year occur because of vehicle emissions. Cleaner,...
(c) Aeromobil Merging road cars with airplanes into a two-in-one purpose vehicle may seem like a SciFi endeavor, but how...
German researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have achieved a new world record for wireless data transmission after they...
Scientists at Rice University have developed a method that combined graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) and a polymer to produce a lightweight...
After analyzing thousands of tissue samples, scientists from the UK have found that there may be twice as many people...
An art project offers a glimpse into how felines might see the world.
A diver shares a tank with an adult arapaima fish at an aquarium in Manaus, Brazil. Known as the pirarucu...
Harvard researchers have found a brain region in which patterns of neural activity change when people look at black and...
Ever found yourself in a heated debate with a friend where facts and reasonable arguments simply don't seem to register?...
(c) PNAS Prosthetic limbs have gone an incredible long way in recent years. Brain-computer interfaces, couples with incredibly articulated artificial...
Tibetan local community waiting for the Dalai Lama to renew his visit at Emory University. (c) New York TImes Reconciling...
While there's a lot of talk and debate around medicinal marijuana, dispensed for its curative properties against cancer and other...
Right after World Space Week ended just last week - an event that celebrates the anniversary of the signing of the...
The discovery of quasicrystals —crystalline structures that show order while lacking periodicity—forced a paradigm shift in crystallography. Scanning tunneling microscopy...
How do organs such as the heart or kidneys know when to stop growing? A number of theories have been...
Recently the Times Higher Education global ranking of the top 400 universities in the world has been unveiled. For the third...
Drinking until the early hours of dawn may be exhilarating for some, however the next day everything seems to tumble...
A cylindrical mirror of the type the MIT and NASA researchers have developed for a novel type of neutron microscope...
(c) Bristol University, UK Using ultrasound radiation, researchers at University of Bristol (UK) have devised a computer interface that basically...
(c) Backyard Brains Through the halls of TedxDetroit last week, participants were introduced to an unfamiliar and unlikely guest -...
Francois Englert (left) and Peter Higgs (right) Just a few moments ago, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded this...
Yesterday was Neil deGrasse Tyson's 55th birthday, an astrophysicist, director of the Hayden Planetarium, and popularizer of science. Nearly two years...
In theory, the philosophy regarding the value of a human life is rather straightforward: all human life should be treated...
Shape of the hand and foot in two primate species. The fingers are represented independently (colour coded) in the primate...
Physicists have been dreaming of achieving controlled nuclear fusion for decades, and year by year we've been getting closer to...