Crania Americana: the most influential book on scientific racism
For men of simple means and upbringing, it's easy to credit racism: the other fellow is different from me -...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
For men of simple means and upbringing, it's easy to credit racism: the other fellow is different from me -...
Every time a new manufacturing or development technology concerning solar cells was introduced, the futurists and tech pundits were quick...
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said in a statement that California just came off its warmest winter on...
The BICEP2 experiment at the South Pole reported the first ever piece of evidence that support the cosmic inflation theory...
Photo: Caring for a loved one who suffers from dementia is demanding. It often seems like a losing battle...
One of the 16 teams involved in a collaborative project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that aims...
In an obesity challenged society, physicians first recommend the elderly to maintain an optimal body mass index (a weight to...
When you buy your spices, you might be getting more seasoning than you might expect. Why not get some free...
Listening to a high pitched tune will enhance the sweetness of food, while a low hum will make your taste...
The human body is littered with free ions and salts, which goes to explain why so much of our physiology...
Imagine going to a meeting, flipping your phone on the table and then instantly project your slide presentation or traveling...
The wild is often home to a game of hide or seek, and animals need to be well adapted to...
A year long investigation by Greenpeace reveals grim palm oil harvesting practices in Indonesia, where suppliers are currently engaging in...
Photo: Georgia Tech A freak accident left Jason Barnes without his left arm below the elbow - a disheartening matter by...
Considering population growth and increased life expectancy, experts estimate that by 2050 some 115 million people will be afflicted by Alzheimer's...
It was only around the mid 1980s that the world finally recognized the dangers posed by the build-up of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)...
Illustration: Michael Helfenbein In most of the world, winter long ground to a halt to make way for more harmonious...
A wonder pill that prolongs life and cuts the risks of developing deadly diseases. Scientists have been looking for such...
Following Russia's invasion of Crimea, the world political scene has been suddenly turned upside down. Many were surprised by this...
Hydraulic fracking has grown to unimaginable hights in the past few years, growing by some 20% a year, and reaching...
It sounds like the synopsis for an apocalyptic movie: scientists uncover a dormant 30,000 years old virus trapped frozen deep...
Custom-fitted membrane expands and contracts with the heart, and could one day deliver electric shocks in response to a heart...
In light of recent NASA budget cuts, a lot of politicians, citizens and, frankly mostly non-science folks, reflect that money...
Photo: In attempt to mitigate the adverse effects of global warming, one of the key measures considered by policy...
You may not find many interesting things to see when glaring into a chicken's eye, but after closely studying its...
A long time ago I wrote a piece on the developments made by a group at University of California, Berkeley that...
Researchers at Penn State College of Medicine studied the eating habits of overweight women during pregnancy, and found that those...
Sometimes it's best to make use of what's already available and "designed". There's no need to reinvent the wheel when...
Photo: The common saying "think before you speak" is often used after a person spoke something inappropriate. It implies...
Ultra strong, a fantastic electrical conductor, and even suitable for better beer storage, graphene is dazzling the w0rld with its...
Typically in physics, your calculations and such are as precise as your use of constants. Meaning, if you have a...
An international team of scientists believe they have across the "microbial Pompeii" after they found preserved bacteria and microscopic particles of food...
Using two different dating technique, geologists have come across what they believe to be the oldest piece of Earth discovered...
Reliable, well supplied and with years and years of manufacturing experience behind it, copper is the most widespread material used...
Sometimes, I come across stories or various research that make me wonder "why the heck hasn't anyone else thought of...
What nature seems to perform effortlessly with photosynthesis has proven to be an immense hurdle for scientists trying to mimic...
Photo: Researchers at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor have recently reached some arguable findings, after an analysis of statistical data...
Physical workouts, be it simple home fitness, represent a golden standard for living a healthy life. Researchers at Emory University...
Photo: A report released to the public by the USDA Inspector General states that numerous beef samples were found to contain penicillin,...
Photo: Jim Lee and Scott Williams/DC Comics and Warner Bros. Pictures We've wrote before on studies discussing some of the...
David Ley, PhD, a clinical psychologist in practice in Albuquerque, NM, made an extensive review study of the current scientific...
Bees are one of the most intelligent insects, and their resourcefulness is well recognized. Despite bee populations as a whole...
The genome sequence of the Ice Age skeletal remains of a 1-year-old boy gave scientists tantalizing proof that the first...
Some 252 million years ago, 96 percent of marine species and 70 percent of life on land became extinct following...
Natural gas leakage in the LA basin area from oil drilling and piping loses could be more significant than thought....
(c) neuroware With Google Glass, the search engine giant wants to bring social networking and personal video editing a step...
(c) In popular view, the scientists is a white, skinny male, clothed in a white lab coat, wearing glasses. Of...
Area A at Happisburgh: View of footprint surface looking south, also showing underlying horizontally bedded laminated silts. (c) PLOS ONE...
A new study published in Environmental Research Letters ranks the the top seven contributing countries to global warming. Together, these nations...
Photo: - It's estimated that some 8 million people in the United States suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), causing...