Algorithm predicts the Price of Bitcoin – Developers Double Their Investment in 50 Days
A team at MIT has developed a prediction algorithm that allows them to determine when the price of the infamous...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
A team at MIT has developed a prediction algorithm that allows them to determine when the price of the infamous...
Life on Earth has so far passed through five distinct crises that threatened to wipe it out, typically referred to...
Suni, a 37-year-old northern white rhino and only the second male of his kind left in the world, died recently of natural...
Regeneration of the spinal chord following a paralyzing injury was thought to be impossible, but groundbreaking efforts stirred by surgeons...
What does the environment mean to you? The European Environment Agency asked this question and invited photographers to have their...
A highly fascinating and, surprisingly for some, practical new line of research is concerned with programmable materials; composites designed to become...
Paleontologists have identified the first known animals that used internal fertilization instead of spawning - armor-coated swimmers, called antiarchs, which lived...
Researchers at the University of Bristol used a complex computer simulation to determine how enzymes in bacteria breakdown antibiotics, rendering...
A team at University of Cambridge have harvested so-called ‘dark’ spin-triplet excitons with close to 100% efficiency, a breakthrough achievement which...
Image: Peratech While robots today have become more adapted, they're still essentially stupid - limited to a particular pre-programmed series...
We rarely get to showcase talent such as Agnes Denes, a visionary who blends mathematics, philosophy and art. Today, you're...
It's common knowledge that babies born out of tall parents will most likely grow to be just as tall, but it's only...
The ocean abyss hasn't warmed significantly since 2005, according to a new NASA study, further deepening the mystery of why global...
We talk a lot about science and research, but we don’t spend enough time talking about the people who actually...
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego has released a new map of the world's seafloor - the first in...
An innovative research posits that cancer may actually be a sort of 'safe mode' mechanism, akin to how a computer's...
Chimps, our closest relatives, can pass down knowledge and skills, like using a new tool for instance, and establish cultural...
Researchers at MIT report they've developed a novel material that can absorb almost all incoming wavelengths of light and convert...
Every year, the Land Art Generator Initiative (LAGI) in Copenhagen welcomes renowned designers and engineers to submit designs that integrates...
New research suggests that plankton, like this adult brine shrimp, could play an important role in mixing oceans.
Some people tend to believe that today's society is excessively being eaten up by cancer, which is true to a...
Some 100,000 people die each year from venomous snakes bites. Most die because there's not enough antivenom.
Neanderthals were one of the early hominids who used Levallois technique to make stone tools. Image: Prisma/UIG/Getty A breakthrough finding...
Astronomers have discovered water vapor in the atmosphere of a new exoplanet - a planet from outside our solar system...
Often called a "Digital Age Leonardo da Vinci", Alexander Tsiaras is a digital innovator, technologist and artist. You might know him...
It's not called colossal for nothing. Photo: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Smaller, yet heavier then their legendary...
Artist impression of a possible space elevator - the image in question show the new diamond-like nanomaterial in action, though....
Gut bacteria may influence what we want to eat. GIF: University of California Our gut hosts an enormous population of...
A new sign language that's only recently emerged in an isolated community is unlike anything linguistics have been used to.
Scientists have discovered a new dinosaur that possibly had the largest nose in prehistory. Ironically, it didn't have a keen...
Environmental groups were outraged when Google announced in 2013 that it would fund the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a well...
Ever in expansion, the universe is always acting on matter in an endless tug of transformations. Colliding matter is a natural...
Shown here is the adhesion between the silica tip of an atomic force microscope and adhesive fibers made by fusing...
A brief incursion into the world of cognitive machines, authored by IBM's head of research.
Nuclear batteries might soon prove to be important in generating energy for isolated systems where longevity is a key factor....
Screen from Hitchcock's "Bang! You're Dead." Neuroscientists at University of Western Ontario in London, Canada found that a man who was...
In photo: sixteen year old inventor Arsh Shah Dilbagi demonstrating his breath to voice synthesizer. About 1.4% of the world's...
Photo: AMIN ARBABIAN Researchers at the University of Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley just presented a tiny radio, so...
Photo: Christopher Furlong / Getty Images file photo , National Post People who frequently smoke marijuana may use the drug...
Photo: Altar Places In the 1950s rainforests covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6%...
Melanie Stetson Freeman/The Christian Science Monitor via Getty Images Stanford researchers traced back methane leaks from contaminated drinking water in...
source: IEA The world is currently on a downward spiral, risking reaching a point of no return where global warming...
A scheme that shows two methods of hydrogen generation: electrolysis and methane reforming. Image: A new method of producing...
Psilocybin mushrooms in Hazerwoude-Dorp, The Netherlands. Photographer: Roger Cremers/Bloomberg Researchers at Johns Hopkins Universityin Baltimore used psilocybin, the active ingredient in...
On the right, an artificial atom generates sound waves consisting of ripples on the surface of a solid. The sound,...
The most balanced and thoughtful Tesla biography to date. With this book, Carlson shines new light on Tesla's legacy.
Image: Sustainability Ninja U.N. scientists released a report in which they conclude man-made carbon emissions released between 2012 and 2013 were...
This is actually considered a small-scaled mass spectrometer. MIT researchers hope they make mass spectrometers that are small enough to...
In a lifetime of seeing thousands of patients, a doctor will hear all sorts of crazy stories and bizarre cases....
Early Earth wasn't the most hospitable place in the Universe, but some in all this chaos life emerged. Image credit:...