Nuclear battery that uses water-based solution lasts longer and is more efficient
Nuclear batteries might soon prove to be important in generating energy for isolated systems where longevity is a key factor....
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Nuclear batteries might soon prove to be important in generating energy for isolated systems where longevity is a key factor....
Screen from Hitchcock's "Bang! You're Dead." Neuroscientists at University of Western Ontario in London, Canada found that a man who was...
In photo: sixteen year old inventor Arsh Shah Dilbagi demonstrating his breath to voice synthesizer. About 1.4% of the world's...
Photo: AMIN ARBABIAN Researchers at the University of Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley just presented a tiny radio, so...
Photo: Christopher Furlong / Getty Images file photo , National Post People who frequently smoke marijuana may use the drug...
Photo: Altar Places In the 1950s rainforests covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6%...
Melanie Stetson Freeman/The Christian Science Monitor via Getty Images Stanford researchers traced back methane leaks from contaminated drinking water in...
source: IEA The world is currently on a downward spiral, risking reaching a point of no return where global warming...
A scheme that shows two methods of hydrogen generation: electrolysis and methane reforming. Image: A new method of producing...
Psilocybin mushrooms in Hazerwoude-Dorp, The Netherlands. Photographer: Roger Cremers/Bloomberg Researchers at Johns Hopkins Universityin Baltimore used psilocybin, the active ingredient in...
On the right, an artificial atom generates sound waves consisting of ripples on the surface of a solid. The sound,...
The most balanced and thoughtful Tesla biography to date. With this book, Carlson shines new light on Tesla's legacy.
Image: Sustainability Ninja U.N. scientists released a report in which they conclude man-made carbon emissions released between 2012 and 2013 were...
This is actually considered a small-scaled mass spectrometer. MIT researchers hope they make mass spectrometers that are small enough to...
In a lifetime of seeing thousands of patients, a doctor will hear all sorts of crazy stories and bizarre cases....
Early Earth wasn't the most hospitable place in the Universe, but some in all this chaos life emerged. Image credit:...
Photo: Business Insider I'm not sure what's on with Stephen Hawking and his pessimistic view of the world. He's been...
Image: Youtube screen Patients with hemophilia are often forced to live in a bubble. Even the smallest cut can cause...
This isn't a child-like animation, but real, genuine footage of an artificial cell moving under a microscope. Image: gif created...
The stunning 'HeLa cell Pattern 1.' Courtesy of Vik Muniz and Tal Danino. Cellular biology can be breathtakingly exciting. Just imaging...
Smog in India. Ozone, the main component of smog, is a plant-damaging pollutant formed by emissions from vehicles, cooking stoves...
Some atoms are more stable than others, and the same goes for their isotopes - elements that have the same...
Photo: Ralph Orlowski/Getty Images The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued the first ever permit that will allow a coal...
Swiss scientists from the University of Bern demonstrated a new device that essentially generates electrical power from the mechanical energy...
Image: CARLES GRAU ET AL., PLOS ONE, 2014 A group of neuroscientists have achieved what some might believe strictly belongs...
The Laniakea Supercluster shown its equatorial plane. Image: CEA/Saclay, France Our sun is but a tiny speck of light among...
Photo: Peak Oil Researchers at University of Texas at Arlington conducted tests on more than 100 water wells in Texas and...
Globalization certainly has its ups: new markets, free trade, travel or economic growth (especially for developing nations). It's this latter...
Tea vs coffee. A new study suggests coffee increases risk of cardiovascular mortality, while tea reduces these risks. Image:
Feynman was at times called "The Great Explainer" because of his skill at making complex subjects accessible to students, and...
Image: DARPA DARPA just announced the launch of a new extremely exciting program: Atoms to Product (A2P). The aim is to...
NASA reports significant quantities of ozone-depleting chemicals are still leaching into the atmosphere despite an international ban signed by all...
Researchers at Swansea University, UK and Uppsala University in Sweden built a mathematical model that explains how one single sheepdog...
Image: Flickr Creative Commons Either when someone's late for a date or you need to queue in line, our patience...
From the tropics to the poles, bird populations all over the world are facing a sharp decline, cornered by climate...
For billions of years, nature has been harnessing the energy from the sun through photosynthesis. This way, plants, algae and...
Doctors graft pig heart to baboon host. Photo: Robert F Hoyt/NHLBI-NIH While most of the hype is centered around biotech...
Pump jacks dot oil fields between the California towns of Taft and Maricopa. The very deep petroleum would be hard...
Photo: Listening to loud music has been shown time and time again to affect hearing in a negative way....
A study by researchers at Harvard University found that children from a tender age have an advanced idea of fairness...
Ten years ago, the European Space Agency launched the Rosetta probe tasked to orbit a comet for the very first...
One single lead-iron battery could be used to build enough solar panels to power 30 homes. Image: MIT Lead-acid car...
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics (MPI-IE) re-activated the expression of an ancient gene in mice. To...
A parasitic plant called the dodder, which essentially acts like a 'vampire' upon its unsuspecting prey. A new research found...
Early modern human populations were culturally diverse and sometimes exchanged tools helped by river networks in a then savanna rich...
A first of its kind study conducted at the University of Colorado Denver looked at how city design affects populace...
In a breakthrough in robotics, researchers have programmed a swarm consisting of a whooping 1,024 members which can assemble in...
Scientists introduced Clostridium novyi, a bacteria that causes mild illnesses in humans that typically lurks inside the soil and feces, in...
LEDs made from perovskite (credit: Zhi-Kuang Tan) We've covered quite a bit the recent developments involving perovskite as an extremely...
Image: NASA At this very moment, the International Space Station has all its docking ports fully booked, as five manned...