A DNA-ring pill might diagnose any cancer fast and accurately
Stanford scientists proved that it's possible use DNA minirings that code the production of a specific protein that can't be...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Stanford scientists proved that it's possible use DNA minirings that code the production of a specific protein that can't be...
In the quest to understand what are the crucial differences between human and chimpanzee brains, scientists have isolated a stretch...
Here's another reason for children to do their chores: washing dishes by hand boosts children's immune system. The findings were...
The mighty Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan wasn't all that different from New York City today, or any major city for that matter, despite the former has...
Marine animals today are 150 times larger than they were 540 million years ago, according to a new study which...
A new report highlights the reprehensible state of women working in STEM fields—science, technology, engineering, and mathematics— where they're not...
Here's a question: what's the difference between actor Sean Penn and the charitable Mother Theresa? Bear with me for a...
Can you judge a person by his fingers? If that person's a men, yes you can, some scientists would agree....
The most populated city in the United States is already experiencing its fair share of floods, hurricanes and heat waves,...
Languages like English, Greek or Hindu, all Indo-European tongues, stem from a common ancestral language family which originated 5,500 -...
Many scholars who still seek to explain why more women leave the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) pipeline than...
Alec Falkenham, a 27-year-old PhD student at Dalhousie University in Halifax, has invented a special cream that will wipe out...
After scientists discovered a huge hole in the ozone layer above the Antarctic, an emergency UN panel banned the use...
British researchers have demonstrated three ways gold nanotubes can be used against cancer: 1) high resolution in-vivo imaging; 2) drug...
The team behind Interstellar's awesome special effects meant business when they set out to emulate space, celestial objects and black...
We know that things like eye or skin colour are encoded in our DNA and passed down by our parents,...
South Londoners who smoke skunk weed - a much more potent strain of cannabis - were found to be three...
Speaking at the 2015 AAAS Annual Meeting, US researchers showed a coloured map of the quietest regions in the United States,...
This is a picture of a cat, obviously, but do you notice something strange about it? Sure looks like a...
The best storage medium might actually be DNA, considering the vast amount of information it store relative to its weight...
At this years' Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Symposium, NASA's Glenn COMPASS Team discussed at large the possibility of exploring Titan,...
Dr. Robert W. Levenson is a psychologist at UC Berkeley who has been studying 156 married middle-aged and older couples...
A lesser known side effect of a famous blue pill.
Using ultra-fast laser techniques employed by the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, scientists have peered through the transitional state...
A rare Neolithic-era burial site was discovered by the northern entrance of the Alepotrypa (“Foxhole”) Cave in southern Greece. The...
Although mammals surfaced only 20 million years after the first dinosaurs evolved, there's a general consensus that mammals were shadowed...
A great explanation of Einstein's theory of relativity for laymen.
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, some of you might be tempted to employ some of those spray-on pheromone...
Chinese researchers ran simulations and found that a pentagon-containing version of graphene is theoretically stable. The 2D allotrope of carbon is made up...
New research offers new insight into the golden sound of Stradivarius violins.
Mitigating climate change is on the agenda of every world government, but somehow little is done to curb global warming....
"How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie pop? The world may never know,"...
Just like a deep fried scoop of ice cream, comets, such as the much heralded Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko which saw a...
When he was a teenager, Keahi Seymour set out to devise a pair of boots that might help him run...
Billions of years ago, our ancient planet collided with a Mars-sized object called Theia. The impact released tremendous amounts of...
Using only energy from the sun, a pioneering artificial leaf system splits water to generate hydrogen - a highly energy...
Lawrence Livermore scientists have devised tiny capsules made up of a highly permeable polymer shell and a sodium carbonate solution...
The most efficient solar cells are those that convert incoming concentrated solar power via lenses, the sort you see on...
Because the moon is tidally-locked to Earth, we're used to seeing our cosmic neighbor like a stationary lonesome figure. Now,...
An exciting research found baby chicks also use the mental number lines employed by humans to count numbers, representing them...
The human brain is often described as the most beautiful organism in the Universe. We say this because of the...
Researchers have identified a new class of antibodies that are capable of neutralizing a wide range of influenza A viruses,...
There's no secret that evolution directly contradicts religious views on creationism. What's surprising, however, is that many people who are...
Chemists have confirmed the existence of new bond - a vibrational chemical bond. First predicted to occur 30 years ago,...
Seattle, an US city with one of the highest recycling rates in the country, is now effectively mandating its citizens...
It's believed that 0.5% of all people alive today or millions of people are descendants of Genghis Khan - the...
Australian scientists have cured nut allergy in 80% of the children taking part in a probiotic clinical trial. These children's...
An underwater volcano that's been spewing ash and lava for the past month just created a new island off the...
The ever resourceful Kepler missions just reported its most interesting find to date: not one, but five planets smaller than...
The land of the rising sun can be extremely confusing to foreigners, but one thing's for sure: you gotta hand...