Cyborg cockroaches might save human lives someday
Half cockroach, half machine, these peculiar insects were hijacked by researchers at Texas A&M University for science. Electrodes implanted in...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Half cockroach, half machine, these peculiar insects were hijacked by researchers at Texas A&M University for science. Electrodes implanted in...
University of Michigan researchers have devised what looks like the world's first fully transparent solar cell. Think of all of...
While he was only 22 years of age, Charles Darwin sailed on the ship H.M.S. Beagle to the Galapagos Island...
At his lab at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dr. Martin Burke laid the foundation for what he simply...
Saul Luciano Lliuya is a farmer from Peru whose home in the floodpath of the Palcacocha lake which has been...
Historically, CO2 emissions linearly follow the world's economy, either dropping during recession or raising with growth. Today, we're expelling more...
Four years ago, a vocal anti vaccine activist and a biologist by training challenged not only established medical science, but...
The most effective weapon against the dreadful Alzheimer's might not be a drug, but a breakthrough therapy based on ultrasounds...
Friends use metaphors more often when speaking to one another, and this helps them gauge each other's emotional state according...
Florida worker ants doubled in size after scientists performed chemical changes to their DNA. The ants were not genetically modified...
Between 1992 and 2007, the number of products sold by farmers directly to consumers increased three fold and twice as...
A team at Caltech has devised a new film coating that facilitates catalysis and electron transfer in a solar powered...
A link between heightened intelligence and autism has been suspected by scientists based on empirical evidence, and now genetic screening...
It's not just Chinese air that's dirty and polluted, it's the coastline too.
The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australia's top medical research body, found that homeopathy does improve or alleviate...
Belgian scientists have revealed a refined explanation for the chemical process that's currently degrading Vincent van Gogh's famous paintings, which...
The chameleon is one of the most remarkable, but also iconic creatures in the animal kingdom. It's color shifting traits...
People generally love their pets, but we'd be lying to say there isn't an inter-species discrimination. How many fish owners...
People who excessively rely on their smartphones scored lower on tests which gauged cognitive abilities like analytical thinking than those...
Two new studies, independently published in the same journal, found that consciousness expanding substances like LSD or psilocybin (the psychoactive...
Astronomers have discovered a star racing at a incredible pace of 2.6 million miles an hour (4.2 million kilometers an...
Tomorrow, Swiss aviators Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg will embark on an epic journey aboard Solar Impulse 2 - an...
In Florida, some have already found a solution to climate change: just ignore the damn thing! According to a outrageous...
Extraordinaire experimental physicist Galileo Galilei allegedly climbed hundreds of step to reach the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa's...
By 2050, world population is expected to rise to nine billion, but the amount of arable land meant to grow...
Image:Credit: AP/John Davisson Most recently, Bill Nye is famous for his viral debate against against Ken Han on creationism. The debate...
The pace and scale of China's economic transformation have no historical precedent. In 1979, China initiated a series of reforms...
We live in a society which puts a lot of pressure on looks. Women especially, are always looking for new...
Some people waste hours each day driving their car, time they could have otherwise spent better. You'll still be trapped...
It amazes me when I hear people say they're against wind turbines because ... wait for it... they're ugly. If...
Parasitic hookworms infect half a billion people worldwide, causing severe health problems like gastrointestinal issues, cognitive impairment and stunted growth...
It's increasingly hard to eat less sugar, as market shelves are filled with sugary products. In the past ten years...
Science journal today seem to be dominated by positive results - that is those that are statistically significant and lead...
A crowd gathered for the New America Foundation’s first annual Future of War conference was told by DARPA's director that...
Airports, some of the busiest places, are now becoming unlikely hosts for bees. Not content with mechanical winged contraptions, airports...
India is among the most polluted country in the world, a direct consequence of its growth-orientated policy. Despite economic growth,...
Big cities are crammed with millions of pigeons, but despite their large numbers the birds seem to have no problem...
It's not just women who are concerned with their bodies and eating disorders, it's men too. This might seem obvious,...
US researchers have imaged for the first time ultra-small bacteria, whose existence has been debatable for the past couple of...
This gentle and secluded creature is called a pangolin. Bet you've never heard of him. It looks sort of like...
Memories aren't infallible - even for those with photographic memory - so, more often than not, they'll seem fuzzy. And...
One of the prime arguments climate change skeptics throw about is how surface temperatures have remained more or less constant...
Like most things in our modern day life style, we tend to take vaccines for granted. Some, in ever growing...
In America and other developed countries, the leading causes of death are heart disease and cancer. Elsewhere, the picture can...
A complex artificial intelligence program developed by DeepMind, a London-based company which was acquired by Google last year for $400...
Paleontologists have excavated and analyzed the remains of an ancient hypo ancestor in Kenya. The 28 million-year-old fossils paint a...
Astronomers have discovered a humongous supermassive black hole that's 12 billion times as massive as the Sun. What's peculiar about...
Norwegian rats know how to keep their friends close. A new study found they reward other rats for their help...
Two new studies - both covering gay men, one in Britain and the other in France - were recently shared...
The highlight of the award winning film, "The Imitation Game", is when Alan Turing and colleagues devise an ingenious statistical...