The most unhealthy, calorie ridden, sodium rich restaurant meals in America
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit health advocacy group based in Washington, DC, just released its...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit health advocacy group based in Washington, DC, just released its...
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison designed an innovate and sustainable solution to the global electronic waste problem: make the...
In its “Energy Security and Sustainability Strategy” (ES2 Strategy) report, the US army outlines the steps it should take to...
The Houston Museum of Natural Science is one of the most impressive in the world, curating rare and indigenous wildlife...
Tired of cooking your own food, hiring help or eating out? Tired of eating, for that matter? Just kidding. The...
A pair of anthropologists compared the anatomical features o bonobos to those of homo sapiens and other apes to infer...
A team of biologists from Queensland discovered two new species belonging to a marsupial genus known for mating until it...
Speaking at the event that celebrated his 50th year as a fellow at the University of Cambridge’s Gonville and Caius...
A couple of simple gadgets, like a smartphone or low-res camera, along with a couple of sensors were powered wirelessly...
Mars has auroras too, and in addition to the red and green tinted Northern Lights here on Earth, these also...
Today, NASA is performing a new test round for its low-density supersonic decelerator (LDSD), which is basically a giant stop...
Over the weekend, Amazon - a company that employs more than 50,000 people in its warehouses alone - organized a...
After a successful launch and deploy to Earth's orbit on the back of the powerful United Launch Alliance Atlas V...
A team at MIT in collaboration with the Riken Brain Science Institute in Japan activated the lost memories of mice,...
Some 120,000 critically endangered saiga antelopes were killed by a mysterious disease since mid-May in Kazakhstan, where 90% of the...
A team at Agroscope, a Swiss agricultural research center, reports what lends the Swiss cheese its uncanny hole-ridden appearance: tiny...
Archaic homo sapiens left Africa, the wellspring of humanity, some 60,000 years ago migrating North, via a route passing through...
One in four people in the US has a tattoo, and if you're part of this statistic you know how...
Six mice were spent 91 days on board the Internationals Space Station in 2009, or seven years in the life...
According to the World Bank, the total value of carbon pricing schemes - including emission trading schemes (ETS) and carbon...
Researchers at ETH Zurich "squeezed" the quantum states of a calcium ion to make it easily distinguishable, i.e. they measured...
A team led by Professor Jun-Ichi Hayashi from the University of Tsukuba in Japan, known as the white lion to...
The number of hungry people worldwide has dropped to 800 million, down from a billion more than a quarter century...
A study which combed through millions of research papers published over the span of a century measured their citations and...
A breakthrough study confirmed what scientists have long suspected: Ebola attaches itself to a singular, "gateway" protein to infect hosts....
Some researchers are considering a pilot treatment that involves MDMA, the active psychoactive ingredient in ecstasy pills, to help adults...
A team at Columbia University School of Engineering designed a new kind of diode comprised of a single molecule capable...
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced on Monday its strategic framework for a newly established space agency, and also the...
Using a novel deep learning algorithm, a team at UC Berkeley demonstrated a robot that learns on the fly and...
Two years ago, following the discovery of the Higgs boson - heralded as one of the greatest scientific achievements of...
It's no secret that TV food commercials stimulate pleasure and reward centers in the brain, after all advertisers wouldn't pay...
In what's perhaps one of the most amazing marine science study, a team of researchers scoured the world's oceans fishing...
According to the Chinese Central Television, China wants to land rover on the far side of the moon, also know...
Four cancer charities operated by the same family under a scamming scheme were sued by the Federal Trade Commission and...
Biologists have long suspected that cephalopods like the squid and cuttlefish have specialized proteins embedded in their skin, very similar...
There are two types of galaxies: 'alive' and 'dead' ones. Those galaxies that are still alive are called so because...
A freak accident from his childhood in Iceland caused Gudmundur Olafsson's right ankle to collapse. After 28 years of living...
A dedication ceremony was held today at the Advanced Laser Gravitational Wave Observatories (Advanced LIGO), a lab tasked with detecting...
The loud noise that usually airline passengers have to deal with in mid-flight can significantly alter how food tastes. According...
Don't make that face. It's not like you didn't see it coming, after all with each technological step forward porn...
With grace and steady robotic clippers, this high-end remote controlled surgical system was used to stitch a piece of skin...
At his commencement address at Rutgers University, Bill Nye - famous for popularizing science as the Science Guy - said...
Our bones are much lighter and weaker than those of our Paleolithic ancestors (11,000 to 33,000 years ago), but it's...
A Spanish startup called Vortex Bladeless has been receiving a lot hype recently once it unveiled a prototype for a...
A turtle named Akut-3 was fitted with a new, custom made 3-D printed jaw by doctors at the Research, Rescue...
That's the sun setting over the rim of Gale Crater on Mars, as shot by the Curiosity Rover. Notice some...
A mini-drone that fits in the palm of your hand could give the military an upper hand on the battlefield...
Fruit flies experience fear, one of the primary emotions, according to a new research that suggests there's much more to...
NASA has partnered with a private company to design and build an oxygen production facility for a Martian outpost or...
With all its cons and pros, at this time, nuclear power remains our best shot at decarbonizing the planet and...