Charge nano-map could help scientists turn perovskite into THE solar cell material
Despite solar cells made with perovskite recently crossed the 20 percent efficiency mark, researchers say there's still room to improve...
Tibi is a science journalist and co-founder of ZME Science. He writes mainly about emerging tech, physics, climate, and space. In his spare time, Tibi likes to make weird music on his computer and groom felines. He has a B.Sc in mechanical engineering and an M.Sc in renewable energy systems.
Despite solar cells made with perovskite recently crossed the 20 percent efficiency mark, researchers say there's still room to improve...
Exactly six decades ago, an amateur fossil hunter called Francis Tully came across an usual find some 50 miles south...
A lot of company nowadays offer genetic kits directly to consumers who can then have their genome sequenced on the...
What's the most important resource on the planet? Water of course.
Evidence suggests mindfulness meditation reduces both emotional and physical pain. Concerning the latter, we still don't know the underlying mechanisms...
The machine uses a high-velocity beam of electrons to cut through virtually any metal at least 15 times faster than...
. University of East Anglia researchers say storks prefer to live in Spain and Portugal because there's plenty of junk...
The health benefits of beer are well documented, and much of these are owed to the properties of hops.
T. Rex grew its way to the top of the food chain. To get there though, the dinosaur first had...
Lithium, the stuff the battery in your smartphone or notebook are made of, is a toxic substance and in short...
Inspired by ants, researchers mimicked the insects' individual super strength and collective hive mind in tiny robots. Each weighs only...
Kannan Soundararajan and Robert Lemke Oliver of Stanford University published a paper recently that is leaving mathematicians scratching their heads....
A wind or Aeolian harp is exactly what the name implies: the only musical instrument played by the wind.
Japanese researchers found a novel way to grow corneas in a dish starting from skin cells. The corneas were implanted...
Close to the dwarf planet's equator liies a roughly 4,000 square miles plateau called Piri Planitia, which particularly stands out....
A new approach to removing ice could make driving during winter less annoying, and flying a lot less dangerous. It...
Inspired to 'make tomorrow now', an industrious team of Saudi researchers baffled everyone by demonstrating an artificial skin made with...
Familiar terrorist footage includes masked murders proudly posing with two 'V' shaped fingers over the corpse of their victims. Many...
Japanese researchers have identified a bacteria that eats PET, a kind of plastic widely employed for bottles. This is the...
In just 7 years, a disease called white-nose syndrome has killed more than 5 million North American bats, almost wiping...
Making bottles to meet America’s demand for bottled water uses more than 17 million barrels of oil annually, enough to...
Imagine spending half of your day chewing food like our cousins, the chimpanzees. You'd never get anything done. Strikingly, human...
It's common for species to be named after a person, most often the scientist who first discovered them. Recently, many...
Mechanical engineers at Brigham Young University are combining the versatility of origami with mechanical know-how to produce the smallest surgical...
The Japanese great tit, a bird closely related to the more familiar North American chickadee, uses complex calls in different...
It seems that while most of us do not like to behave like extortionists, we choose to elect those that...
You might be able to grip, grab and direct hand movements with a prosthesis as if it were your own...
Mindset and learning go hand in hand. It's important to be confident in one's own abilities to learn new skills...
Anxious people may be more prone to associate neutral environmental cues with emotional experiences. Psychologists call this over-generalization, and research...
A study made by researchers at Forida Atlantic University and Cleveland State University assessed the effects of paid sick leave,...
An artificial ‘skin’ can stretch up to 480 percent its original size, and can sense changes in pressure – a...
Around 65.5 million years ago a 10-km wide asteroid crashed into the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, suddenly altering all life...
Recently, a treasure trove of a dozen ancient lizards trapped in amber came to scientists' attention. Everyone was impressed by...
Seals from colonies on the North Atlantic island of North Rona that had higher levels of the hormone oxytocin in...
Mars was never the same after a monster volcano erupted on the Red Planet some 3.5 billion years ago. Before...
An early land lover, the Tortobu might have been a key part of the land ecosystem that eventually grew to...
Using only five atoms, a team of international researchers showed how to factor a prime, albeit a trivial one for...
Up until now, there was no reliable way to measure the temperature of nanoscale objects, like viruses.
A revolutionary new supercomputer powered by Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy source for every living cell in your body, is...
Wind gusts are so unforgiving that the trees themselves molded into weird and crooked shapes. There's an almost surreal beauty...
Evidence points to the fact that Neanderthals used manganese dioxide, today commonly found in batteries, to light fires some 50,000...
This week Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio won his very first Academy award for best actor. Of course, he was there...
In neighborhoods with high crime rates, past research showed that women who perceive they are at risk will generally be...
Many consumers now choose to exclusively buy products labeled with an eco-certificate which supposedly testifies that manufacturing was made in...
Fewer guns lead to fewer homicides. Will this convince anyone in the U.S., though?
In the 1990s, a famous study found animals in Yellowstone National Park, like elk, bred in fewer numbers and ate...
One group combined water collecting traits from the awesome Namib desert beetle, cactus and pitcher plant to devise a material...
DiCaprio took to the stage to present his acceptance speech, and tackled climate change in front of millions of people...
There's a tune to oxygen, carbon and any other element from the periodic table.