These eight habits can increase your lifespan by decades — even if you start late
You can add an extra 24 years to your life just by adopting these lifestyle changes.
Rupendra Brahambhatt is an experienced journalist and filmmaker covering culture, science, and entertainment news for the past five years. With a background in Zoology and Communication, he has been actively working with some of the most innovative media agencies in different parts of the globe.
You can add an extra 24 years to your life just by adopting these lifestyle changes.
Living alone in isolation is not good for your brain, heart, immune system, and overall health. Here is how it...
Generic ketamine has the power to slash the overall cost of treating clinical depression by more than 60 percent.
This cloak is not invisible but it will keep your car cool in summers and warm in winters, doesn't that...
It's was inspired by some animals' diverse mobility skills
Japanese researchers propose an advanced navigation system that can pinpoint your location despite GPS-jamming obstacles.
The therapy made cats sterile with no side effects for at least two years.
M was shot in the head. When he woke up the entire world appeared inverted to him.
A tiny 3D-printed smartphone attachment has the potential to make blood pressure checkups affordable and accessible to all.
These spiders have learned to walk like ants and look like flowers, but can these tricks help them escape their...
How did human DNA end up in a deer tooth pendant?
Would you like to host a bunch of talking robot heads at your home. If yes, you must be willing...
Two novel drugs that work like ibogaine promise to treat depression and addiction, two overlooked evils that can ruin humanity.
If your heart beats irregularly, here is a graphene tattoo that can keep your heartbeat in check, even better than...
Torpedo-shaped Icefin robot can go to insane depths beneath ice and help us understand what's making the doomsday glacier melt...
There's not much evidence and speculation is running wild.
India's space agency is on its way to achieve another breakthrough. They are developing their own unmanned spaceplane.
A probiotic cocktail promises to save the only US coral reef barrier. But we need to act fast, if we...
A zirconium-based catalyst promises to break down polymers. It's probably the best plastic-degradation solution we've come across.
Plants also talk, and they talk a lot under stress, but we are not sure who listens to the different...
The satellites demonstrate a super low-cost solution for preventing space debris.
We're closer than ever to witnessing a 3D food printing revolution. These cheesecakes are a delicious proof of what's coming.
NASA didn't know a space secret that these kids recently discovered during their experiment involving EpiPen.
AI-assisted Raman spectroscopy is great at identifying bacteria and it's way better than just regular Raman spectroscopy.
We are closer than ever to reversing hearing loss in humans, here is all the proof you need.
If there is a fire emergency, here is a firefighter robot that will go in first. So that human firefighters...
Are we prepared enough to survive a deadly fungal outbreak similar to what is shown in the TV show The...
ChatGPT has managed to score well enough to become a licensed doctor. So is it now ready to replace doctors?
Here is a lizard-inspired robot that is as creepy and fascinating as real lizards, and wishes to explore Mars.
AI increases the chance of detecting lung nodules, which also sometimes hint at lung cancer.
Here is why vaccines are the greatest miracles of medical science.
The world needs a good terminator, and seems like now we have one.
Rare or not, lobsters are intriguing enough to grab our attention.
Concrete made of hemp could replace traditional bricks, blocks, and other building materials.
The cold beaks of echidnas cool down their hot blood.
Love is beyond life and death, this ancient letter proves it.
This watch is incredible, alive, and can make you emotional because it is powered by a pet-like slime mold.
This AI knows how to sound like you or anyone else.
Old turbine blades cannot be recycled for energy production but they can be reused for fun and aesthetics.
Nineveh was one of the most remarkable urban centers in ancient Mesopotamia.
The fruit is so rare that it needs to be hunted.
Why QWERTY? Why not ABCD or ZXYW or anything else? The answer is pretty silly.
In the not-too-distant future, AI pipebots could be patrolling inside our water pipes. They will ensure no drop of clean...
Researchers have developed transparent solar panels that can be used as glass windows in our homes or even in our...
A solar-powered EV "Sunswift 7" just made a new Guinness World Record by covering 1000 km on a single charge.
Time to use environment friendly coatings on vessels instead of toxic copper paints.
Finally, salvation from foggy glasses!
This ingestible battery will supply power to drug delivery robots inside your body in the future.
All it needs is one chest X-ray -- and a lot of training.
The pandemic has messed up many things including the academic and social growth of school children.