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At first, it sounds like one of the silliest laws ever: in Switzerland, you’re not allowed to own just one guinea pig or parrot. The reason for this is that they’re social species, and they are considered victims of abuse if they aren’t able to regularly interact with others of their species. If you’re an […]
We may be reaching a historic moment.
The world has spoken and the vote has been cast: people want to name the new British Antarctic research ship “Boaty McBoatface”
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin falsely claimed she is “as much a scientist” as Bill Nye. She's not.
Each team is defending one hemisphere!
Hint: it's the urine.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially endorsed the world's first Dengue fever vaccine, a disease that infects 390 million people each year.
"That's not a capitalist market economy anymore," he warned. "That's a feudalist system and it scares … me."
It’s glorious and depressing at the same time: NASA used its official Facebook account to shut down one user who was misrepresenting climate science: It’s climate change denial 101: you take some random fact, gobble it up without even thinking about it, add in some buzzwords to make it look more scientific and spit it […]
Religion should be promoting peace, not this...
Believe it or not, this is actually lava.
If you don’t travel a lot it’s easy to forget just how big and diverse the world really is – and sure, everyone knows about Paris, London or New York, but villages were where humanity’s culture and spirit was preserved for centuries. Here are just a handful of villages and small towns which brilliantly exhibit the serenity […]
That's not how the internet should work...
A massive portion of the Greenland ice sheet has started to melt, taking researchers by surprise. The vast region is experiencing a freakishly early spring thaw, with 12% of Greenland’s ice melting on Monday, according to the Danish Meteorological Institute. “We had to check that our models were still working properly,”6 Peter Langen, climate scientist at […]
No matter who you ask, they’ll tell you the same thing: butter isn’t good for you, just use vegetable oil. But while butter may not be the healthiest of foods, new research has found that replacing it with vegetable oils does not decrease risk of heart disease. The main culprit is linoleic acid – a polyunsaturated […]
Some 600 feet deep, at the bottom of the Loch Ness lake in Scotland, researchers have found the much famed monster... but it's not the monster you're thinking of. It's only a prop from the 1970 movie The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes.
Deep radio imaging from researchers working in South Africa have revealed that supermassive black holes in a region of the distant universe are all spinning out radio jets in the same direction. The results show, for the first time, an alignment of the jets of galaxies over a large volume of space. Astronomers believe this is due […]
Weather forecasts have gotten significantly better in recent years – not because we have a much better understanding of weather has gotten much better, but rather because advanced computers allow us to develop more complex models. You can generally predict weather for 2-3 days, and in some cases of up to 7-10 days. Anything that goes […]
A Russian billionaire wants to fund the first ever interstellar probe – and he wants to do it in the span of a generation. If this comes to fruition, it will be by far the most ambitious space endeavor ever attempted by mankind. Space is incredibly vast, we all know that, but sometimes it can […]
This huge destroyer is apparently too stealthy for its own good – at least at peace. The U.S. Navy’s new Zumwalt-class guided missile destroyer (DDG 1000) is so hard to detect that its crew plans to sail with giant reflectors just to make sure other ships can see it. The USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) is the lead ship of the Zumwalt […]
It’s one of the most common confusions in the English language. In short, silicon is the chemical element Si, while silicone is a synthetic polymer. Although it appears like the words are synonyms and can be used interchangeably, they’re not and they designate completely different things. Let’s detail a bit on what each of them are, […]
Don’t believe your eyes – nothing you see is real, and everything can be manipulated. Many people have a long-standing belief that images are easy to forge, while videos are authentic because they’re impossible to tamper with. Well… that’s not really true. Several companies are making millions by tweaking how actors look on film, and […]
Exxon, Shell and three trade associations spent US$114 million in 2015 alone to manipulate lawmakers and public discourse on climate change, a report by British NGO Influence Map claims.
We don’t give it a lot of through, but things in space are generally round. Not the Red Rectangle though – this nebula is… well, rectangular. According to NASA, this is actually a binary star system. The stars at its center are similar to the Sun, but they are reaching the end of its lifetime […]
There's no "gene for" anything, and there is no "gold standard" or "scientific method" - you're using all those terms wrong.
Antarctic researchers are in need of help - specifically, they need people to study photos of penguins to help them understand how the birds are dealing with climate change.
Acetaminophen, commonly sold as Tylenol or Paracetamol may affect our ability to solve errors, a new study has found. The impairment is minor, but noticeable.
They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and unfortunately, that seems to be the case for HIV viruses.
A new solar cell prototype developed by Chinese researchers may change the way we use solar panels.
Scotland has met and overcome its objective for green energy in 2015
The first Earth Observing System (EOS) satellite called Terra (previously AM-1) was launched on December 18, 1999. ASTER data contributes to a wide array of global change-related application areas including vegetation and ecosystem dynamics, hazard monitoring, geology and soils, hydrology, and land cover change. It’s also perfect background material for your home PC. But it’s not […]
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn is one of the most talented and famous artists in human history. It's been almost four centuries since he created his unique masterpieces. Now, a team of artists, researchers and programmers wanted to see if they can create a new Rembrandt painting - through a computer algorithm.
Mouth microbes may be connected to a variety of illnesses, more and more studies are showing. Dental care has been disconnected from general health care for many years now, but the more you start to think about it, the stranger it seems. After all, you don’t really separate any other branch of medicine so… why […]
It always baffles me how some publish completely misleading clickbait titles.
The population dropped sharply from over 5,000 individuals fifty years ago to less than 150 cats ten years ago. However, thanks to recent efforts, the population has grown to 400 individuals, and there are good signs for the species.
A federal judge has approved the $20.8 bn settlement for BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. This fine will account for civil claims against the company set forth by the Department of Justice and five Gulf states. US Attorney General Loretta Lynch previously called the settlement “the largest with a single entity in American […]
British paleontologists have identified a tiny, ancient animal that carried around its young tethered in capsules around its body, like kites.
Biological engineers have created a programming language that allows them to rapidly and efficiently program and design DNA-encoded circuits, giving new functions to living cells. There are already a myriad of programming languages. Fortran and C++ allow for rapid computations, PHP is a scripting language for web development, Ruby is a popular object-oriented language – […]
For centuries, chocolatiers have been trying to develop the perfect chocolate coating for bonbons, honing their skill to the point of artistic performance. But scientists believe they can take things even further.
It's not who you think it is.
Researchers from Poon University in Seoul have figured out why some of the plants in Korea’s capital seem to grow much better than others, despite living in the same conditions and being given the same nutrients. It’s all about the dirty talk, they report. “There’s something about swearing which motivates plants to grow better, it’s like […]
Scientists have identified several new species of spider in the southern United States which can pose dangers to citizens – one species especially, Arachnia Donaldrumpfus is believed to be extremely dangerous. Biologists have suspected for quite a while that potentially dangerous wildlife lurks in urban and sub-urban North America, so Michigan Circular University researcher Christian Aucus […]
An investigation undertaken by the Huffington Post and Fairfax Media has revealed that billions of dollars of government contracts were awarded as the direct result of bribes. The company names which pop up on this list include British icon Rolls-Royce, US oil-service company Halliburton, Australia’s Leighton Holdings and Korean heavyweights Samsung and Hyundai. The bribe factory If […]
You know those maps of the world with horizontal lines across the ocean, “this is what you see when you look across the ocean”? Well yeah, they’re no good. As cartographer Andy Woodruff indicates, they’re way, way off. When you look at the ocean, what are you seeing on the other side? It would be tempting to […]
Scientists have confirmed what deep down, we already knew: dark chocolate makes you feel better.
Scientists have identified a 1.5 cm creature that predates the dinosaurs by 100 million years. While not exactly a spider, the tiny beast is the closest relative to spiders, but its lineage is extinct. Spiders are basically ubiquitous. They can be found on every continent except for Antarctica and in every environment ever – except […]
A survey of a major oil and natural gas-producing region in Western Canada founds evidence that hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" does indeed cause earthquakes in the region.
It pains me that studies like this have to be made.
As any pet owner will tell you, cats are great at manipulating us.
We've all gone through it at one point: not knowing is simply killing you.