Magma is building up beneath a town in New Zealand
There's no need to panic though.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
There's no need to panic though.
Norway wants to make all cars electric in the next decade.
It's way older than divers thought.
Astronomers working with the Hubble telescope have discovered that the Universe is expanding 5-9% faster than expected, and this is...
Yes, it's actually happening.
The rich really do get richer - a new study found that the richest families in Florence, Italy, have had...
While robotics and AI research is taking massive strides forward, our social development hasn't really kept up with them.
Borders often highlight the relationship and differences between different countries, and here are some of the most spectacular and revealing...
Few things in life can claim to be truly breathtaking, and even fewer of those things are man-made. But this...
Scientists have confirmed that the pharaoh's dagger is indeed not from this Earth - the blade is the "iron of...
The good news is that it's easy to turn this off.
A Canadian think tank found that Canada's status as a 'world superpower' is threatened because the world is shifting away...
Researchers at Southampton University in the UK have developed a technique which allows them to store 360 TB of data...
Several tablets from the Roman Age have been uncovered and analyzed following excavation in London, including the oldest hand-written document...
Researchers are now one step closer to developing super strong composite materials, thanks to the mantis shrimp - a marine...
Australia's government wants to stick its head in the sand and simply ignore reality instead of making actual efforts to...
#cabshots are taking over the internet
The Nature Index highlights scientific outputs from countries, organizations, and even individual researchers.
Some things on the internet are just mind-bending, and this is definitely one of them.
It's high time something like this happened.
Dandruff is the most common scalp condition, yet we know surprisingly little about it.
Natural history and in general, all natural sciences, are falling out of favor in school curriculums
Fulfilling the job that scientists and unlucky undergrads have been doing for years, the kinetic machine Jller selects and sorts pebbles found...
Greek archaeologists may have located the tomb of Aristotle, one of the most important philosophers and scientists of the Antiquity.
This extraordinary bus concept has been all over the internet, promising to revolutionize public transportation, making it more efficient and...
The team has pushed sunlight-to-electricity conversion efficiency to 34.5% – establishing a new world record for unfocused sunlight.
The footwear giant has announced it will move much of its activities from Asia back to Germany. The company unveiled...
Deep inside the Bruniquel Cave in France, a set of man-made structures 336 meters from the entrance lie as evidence to the...
A research team discovered two geologically young craters — one 16 million, the other between 75 and 420 million, years...
A team of researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics just beat the previous record by a...
Canadian aboriginals have been using clay to treat their ailments for centuries.
National Geographic's Travel Photographer of the Year is nearing its conclusion, where the winners will be crowned. It's not easy to...
Called ReGen Villages, the project imagines a community of buildings that produce all their own food and energy, while being...
For the first time in history, scientists have cut out HIV genes from live animals.
In the early 1900s, cigarettes were living their golden years - something which millions of lungs regretted. But you can't...
If you like lions, or watching nature documentaries, the odds are you've heard of George Adamson. Nicknamed "Baba ya Simba"...
If I asked you to guess where we have the best chances of finding life outside of Earth, you'd be...
A new study published in the Lancet Psychiatry reports that "magic mushrooms" could help in otherwise "untreatable" cases of depression.
Robots are taking our jobs once again - or rather, helping us do our job a little bit better.
The vaquita marinas are on the verge of extinction, with only 60 individuals remaining in the wild.
Conventional computers are starting to reach their physical limitations but rest assured - a new technology is being worked on...
An offshore of Royal Dutch Shell is responsible for a new oil spill which covered a 13- by 2-mile sheen...
I for one welcome our new robot TAs.
Mount Ruapehu on New Zealand's north island is starting to show signs of eruption, and hikers have been warned to...
ALOS (nicknamed "Daichi") is a Japanese Earth-observation satellite, developed by JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), with the main objective of...
The decline of the oil industry continues.
The entire world of archaeology was electrified by recent announcements of a hidden chamber in Tutankhamun's tomb. The story had it...
It's almost like a sixth sense that protects you - but it doesn't help you at all when you're texting.
A team of researchers is investigating the Chicxulub crater, of the asteroid that wiped the dinosaurs (and many other creatures)...
The 2016 Olympics in Rio are riddled with problems, one of them being a potentially global pandemic. Medical doctors are...