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Science shows that the 'sixth sense' may be more than just a feeling

When senses evolve.

Scientists show how a high-protein diet can help you lose weight

Several studies have previously indicated that a high-protein diet can help you lose weight - now researchers believe they know how.

Bio-engineered Arctic apples coming soon to a supermarket near you

A Canadian biotechnology company has modified apples to resist browning for a longer time.

Just like humans, old bonobos suffer from long-sightedness

Stop blaming your computer.

The ZME Diaries: #COP22, Day 1 - Our Thoughts and Impressions

Our own opinions and impressions about how this crucial summit is going, somewhat like a travel diary.

Unlikely cooperation: Coyote and badger spotted hunting together

They're cute, smart, and extremely dangerous.

Oil & gas lobby shouldn't have a full seat at the climate table

The wolves, dining with the sheep.

New study might explain why winters have been more horrid in recent years

Researchers might have an explanation for why winters have gotten so horrendous.

There's a strange similarity between your cells and neutron stars

Researchers have found an intriguing resemblance between the human cells and neutron stars.

China is building an impressive magnetic levitation train that can go at 600 km/h (373 mph)

If there's one thing that China does well, it's going big.

In 2014, the Ebola virus mutated to infect people more efficiently

Viruses are mutating and adapting to the human body.

NASA celebrates 16 years of International Space Station with 16 amazing GIFs

16 years of a glorious experiment.

From Paris to Marrakech: The world is taking steps to curb climate change, but it's not nearly enough

Last year, world leaders gathered in Paris for a UN summit which could be decisive in humanity's history.

This salty lake beneath the sea just kills everything inside it

They call it the "Jacuzzi of Despair" and rarely has a name been so fitting.

NASA's pumpkin competition absolutely smashes everything else

It's out of this world.

This might be the most accurate map of the world

It looks strange, but it's really accurate.

Chimps interbred with bonobos, surprising study reveals

Just like humans and Neanderthals interbred, so too did chimps and bonobos.

Using firefly enzyme, researchers make brain cells glow in the dark

Just in time for Christmas too.

Google's AI just created its own form of encryption

Just two algorithms sending messages to each other - and you can't peek in.

Cat walks into university lecture, starts acting just like a student

The cat really fits into most student groups.

Here's why chocolate and red wine give some people migraines

Hint: it's not the blood pressure.

An English-speaking teenager woke up from a coma speaking fluent Spanish

It has all the makings of a sci-fi movie.

Religious people are worse at math, biology, and physics than non-religious people

Both men and women who believe in God tend to be worse at math, study suggets.

New gene-editing technology successfully cures genetic disorder in mice - and it's not CRISPR

Researchers using a new genetic technique have successfully cured a genetic blood disorder in living mice, unlocking new possibilities for genetic editing.

New device enables you to grow your own food from plant cells

If you want to grow some food from scratch... you need Finnish researchers.

Two million years ago, Homo habilis was right handed

Hand preference is still something we don't understand that well, but at least we've got a better timeframe now.

Elon Musks answers your (and everyone else's) questions about interplanetary travel

Things just got serious.

Peptides in the milk of Tasmanian devils kills some of the most dangerous bacterial and fungal infections

Devil's milk has proven to be an unexpected but extremely efficient weapon.

Mismatching foods can make for a better meal

Are we having spaghetti? OK, then I'd like some spring rolls to go with that.

Scientists develop tape that adheres to anything and rejects all liquids

They call it a superomniphobic tape.

A Russian start-up schools Google and Facebook facial recognition technology

NTechLab is only one year old, but it's already making headlines and playing with the big boys in the industry.

European lander likely crashes onto Mars

The bad news starts to sink in.

Tasmanian devils developing resistance to horrendous infectious face cancer

I'd expect nothing less from the Tasmanian devils.

What rocks is the Moon made from?

What's the Moon made from, anyway?

A pair of astronauts have entered China's Tiangong 2 space station, beginning the country's longest manned space mission

China is making strides in its own space program.

A seaweed could help us curb greenhouse gas emissions - if we feed it to cows

It can make a big difference.

German U-boat found off the coast of Scotland

They say a giant sea creature destroyed it.

Why the dryer shrinks your clothes

I hate it when this happens.

Just days in the mountains can improve your blood for months

Just a few hours in the mountains can significantly change your bloodstream

Gut bacteria can aid recovery from spinal cord injury, researchers find

Your gut bacteria may be more important than we thought.

Scotland joins the "fully renewable" energy club

Scotland joins a select group of nations.

Astronomers may have just discovered two new moons around Uranus

Two dark shapes discovered around Uranus.

Ancient fish solves one of your childhood mysteries about teeth

A tale of milk teeth and ancient fish.

How Inhouse EMG Testing Can Improve A Medical Practice

Spectacular advances in medical science are changing the world as we know it.

Google's Artificial Intelligence algorithm just navigated London's underground without any prior knowledge

Google's DeepMind algorithm just got one step closer to behaving like a human.

New record gets us closer to fusion energy

We're one step closer to clean, virtually limitless energy.

Doctors Without Borders just refused a 1-million-vaccine donation from Pfizer, and this is probably a good thing

Doctors Without Borders has a strong message for giant pharma company Pfizer.

Awesome satellite imagery shows surprising images of North Korea

What a time to be alive.

Scientists zoom into Chicxulub, the "dinosaur crater"

Geologists are getting an unprecedented glimpse into the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Missing chunk of India found deep in the Earth, contradicting "101 of geology"

Going down, in a blaze of glory.

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