This new hair dye changes color based on temperature. Yes, it’s awesome
A UK company has revealed a stunning new type of hair dye which changes colors based on temperature.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
A UK company has revealed a stunning new type of hair dye which changes colors based on temperature.
A 3-d printer can make anyone at least 1000% return on investment over five years.
The announcement comes after a disastrous couple of months for London in terms of air quality.
A celebration of biodiversity on our planet.
Do you know what's worse for the environment than driving a car? Driving alone.
Out of all the ideas to end global poverty, the simplest seems to also be more effective: governments just handing...
Geologists have made a shocking discovery in a crystal-rich cave in Mexico.
An estimated 3 million shipwrecks are scattered across the planet’s oceans.
Technology is evolving faster than we can adapt to it.
A new study sheds some light on what drug-takers have known or years: acid trips last a long time.
Locals often kill these snakes, although they're not dangerous for humans.
A review of recent research found that an unexpected mixture could do wonders for bone regeneration and wound healing.
Five days of hunger a month could significantly reduce aging and age-related medical conditions.
It's very easy to get tricked into believing something that's just not true - here we'll be taking a look...
Warning: I say 'fish' lots of times in this article.
A massive heatwave that hit Australia since last week killed more than a thousand of the endangered species.
Geologists, archaeologists, physicists, and ancient potters - working together to solve one of the Earth's greatest mysteries. Who would have...
The story of how a 12-year-old boy from Vienna snuck out the Sistine Chapel's biggest guarded secret by genius alone.
It's like the ocean is having a heart attack.
To say that Asia is having an eye problem is an understatement.
The fact that we are still debating man-made climate change.
It's even worse than we thought.
Motivated by the "anti-aging" movement, people are placing their faith into all sorts of alleged cures, but does the science...
A remarkable 'terrible-headed lizard' fossil found in China shows an embryo inside the mother -- a clear evidence that some...
Scotland fares particularly well, better than England and Wales.
Food waste is running rampant throughout the developed world but we can learn a lot from this Scandinavian country.
Nowhere on Earth is safe from humanity's impact.
The epic, sturdy, almost historic Nokia 3310 might be making an unexpected comeback.
Some great vintage public announcement posters to start off your day.
Stanford researchers are proposing something different: they want to boost our body's defense systems instead of targeting the virus.
It's as beautiful as it likely was annoying.
The oceans are as beautiful as they are bizarre.
If we want to look for extraterrestrial life, Europa might be one of the best guesses in the solar system.
It was truly haunting.
NASA's bringing out the big guns.
It's an optimistic hypothesis, but it's not beyond the realm of possibility.
Scientists have built cells that are not living but are so life-like that other cells can communicate with them.
Regardless of what one fossil-fuel-lover president may do, renewable energy is thriving in the US.
"Don't mount your horse in the hall" and "Do not attack your enemy while he is squatting to defecate." Good...
The iconic American manufacturer has announced plans to release its first fully electric tractor.
The barbaric practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) has dropped sharply in parts of Iraq.
While this is a problem for the country's 1,900 prison workers losing their jobs... it's not such a bad problem...
Large, mysterious earthworks built thousands of years ago were discovered in the Amazon basin.
The new technology, which costs just $0.01 to build, could usher in a medical diagnostics revolution.
When preschoolers hang out with each other, they tend to borrow each other's personalities, a new study has found.
Finding fossilized remains of dinosaurs is one thing, but now, paleontologists have discovered proteins dating back to 195 million years...
We should pay more attention to over the counter drugs.
Space is tough -- and SpaceX is learning that first hand.