Puffins that migrate together make more chicks
Puffins mate for life but when they also travel together, they become better parents.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
Puffins mate for life but when they also travel together, they become better parents.
The ancient stories held some truth after all.
More and more evidence is piling up against the use of pesticides.
This new research center is set to deliver quite a buzz.
Can we get excited yet? Mmm no, not really.
Hopefully nothing happens though.
Space crystals will help us make better drugs on Earth.
Science is getting harder and harder to read, and that's a problem.
Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, just said that climate change is unstoppable and not caused by human activity.
Green is not always good.
Future beers will be made with 100% renewable energy.
It's even worse than we thought.
Science has confirmed what PhD students worldwide already knew.
Video games have a negative impact, but religion was three times more likely to make teens sexist.
The internet of things can make everyday objects "smart" -- connecting them to the internet and making them able to...
The mouse in the house has been with us for 15,000 years.
There's a rocky road ahead of us!
Exercising makes you stronger in every way.
A heartwarming story of two brilliant and passionate researchers.
It's a small step, but it's a much needed step.
Populism and television go hand in hand.
In 2013, Beijing officials promised that they will close the city's four coal stations by the end of 2017, and...
The US had to work harder to have a chance at achieving their climate objectives, but now -- the country's...
Worldwide, more and more people are starting to move from rural areas to urban areas. But nowhere is this as...
How likely are YOU to change your beliefs based on facts?
When you put a paywall on science, no one wins.
It's Romeo and Juliet on steroids, with geology.
It's even worse than we thought.
Crocs emerged alongside the early dinosaurs.
These oil and gas wells spill pretty often to the surface, a new study found.
It's all in the serotonin.
Shaq just entered a select club of flat-earthers.
I mean, the EPA is against climate change, and the military understands the threat. Is the world upside down?
These "alternative facts" go against 150 years of research.
These fish are quite comfortable out of water.
Shut up and take my money!
It's not flashy, but it might make a big difference.
The cobra developed a crippling venom -- and it wanted the world to know.
Spiders eat much more than humans.
We might have to recalibrate the tree of life.
Does assertiveness make us lose our empathy?
Bees are more of the rural type, it seems.
A new Cornell study found that people who support legalizing marijuana are not potheads at all -- they have practical,...
A new study revealed that 14% of people with epilepsy have turned to cannabis to alleviate their condition -- almost...
In a massive win for big cats, Chinese officials have approved plans to establish a massive national park in the...
Eight of the top ten are in Europe, with the highest city in the US coming at 29th -- San...