Exxon did know about climate change since the 70s — and it lied, knowingly
They knew about it and yet they did everything they could to hide it.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
They knew about it and yet they did everything they could to hide it.
Work hard, endorphin hard.
People often project their religious and political beliefs onto science.
They're sleek, red, and bring your packages on time -- now with zero emissions.
Europe's and North America's leaders are quite surprising.
It's one of the few major trials that actually reported success.
The reefs seem healthier... let's try to keep them that way.
Psilocybin has repeatedly shown promise in treating some mental issues -- this might usher in a new age of testing.
Please stop taking photos with wild animals!
No one touched it for more than a century, not even the penguins.
Genetic sequencing could pave the way for a new age of cancer detection.
Anti-vaxxers finally have a natural option.
Aging and obesity alone cannot explain it.
It's time to face it: our pesticides are killing off bees -- and bumblebees.
We might be missing a few more.
It's a prejudice that just has to go.
Medical technology is entering a new era.
The benefits that trees provide -- both in terms of the environment and our health -- should not be understated.
Talk about pulling your weight!
This could be both good and bad for potential extraterrestrial life.
Robots are now beating us at computer games.
Chocolate is... who am I kidding -- we all know what chocolate is. It's sweet, delicious pleasure. But chocolate, this...
In a world of whats, Universal is a book of whys and hows.
Armor or no armor, it's better to avoid fighting if you can.
Archaeology, meet genetics.
All you need is carrot juice and beetroot. Sheesh...
The winner is absolutely amazing.
It's not just counterproductive, it's also impossible.
We've just started discovering the tip of the iceberg in terms of deep sea creatures.
Charles Darwin called it "abominable mystery."
No, laziness is not chronic fatigue syndrome.
Having problems quitting smoking? A CT scan might help you.
By the year 2050, we could see a 23% shrinkage in the land suitable for growing grapes.
We've been looking at smiles all wrong.
Aside from the romantic aspect, the study also offers an important scientific perspective.
If you want to fight dogmatism, you first need to learn how it works in the minds of people.
Bad news, everyone.
We don't even know if they were plants or animals.
What do a tomato plant and the NY subway system have in common? A lot more than you'd think.
The automaker is teasing us with news of solid-state batteries that charge in minutes.
It's a feedback loop on steroids.
We've just found them, but they may already be endangered.
There's some good news, and some bad news.
Stuck in traffic? I've got some bad news...
The media does a lot to influence public opinion.
It seems counterintuitive, but it can work.