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Cats are both solid and liquid -- and other surprising tidbits of science from the Ig Nobel Awards

Cats really *are* liquid... but only sometimes.

The Colossal Earthworks of Stan Herd

Entire fields are his canvas.

Biologists just discovered an underwater octopus city -- they call it Octlantis

Ever wondered what an octopus city looks like?

Hurricane Maria also becomes Category 5 storm, threatens more destruction

It's quickly following in Irma's footsteps.

Mimicry at its finest -- or why this is not a snake

Disclaimer: this is not an actual snake.

A linguistic rouzy-bouzy: Researchers resurrect 30 English lost words

Don't be a losenger!

Carefree Crow Hitches a Ride on the Back of Bald Eagle

Don't mind me, just hitching a ride.

New record: on Monday, 20% of Europe's energy came from wind

Gone with the wind.

Climate change might cause a coffee crisis, but there's still hope

Is it really that bad?

ISS astronaut photographs hurricanes from space -- and it's mind-bending

Like the all-seeing eye, Bresnik takes impressive photos of ungodly storms.

An image is not always worth a thousand words, researchers say

Go with text if you really want to involve people.

How the alcohol industry lies to you

While it's in no way as bad as Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol also isn't clean.

Global warming will kill a third of the world's parasites, and that's not even a good thing

Parasites are a hard sell, but we would certainly gain a lot by understanding their threats.

Egyptian Archaeologists find 3,500 year old multi-tomb in Luxor

You thought we found everything, didn't you?

The simple reason why climate change is affecting hurricanes

It's pretty simple math.

British archaeologists find Roman cavalry barracks loaded with weapons and valuables

It's like winning the lottery.

Researchers find warm oasis beneath Antarctica's frozen wasteland

You could wear a T-shirt in these caves under the Antarctic.

People know mythical creatures better than real life beasts, study suggests

What's real, a gruffalo, or a hirola?

Hurricane Irma: 90% of the buildings on the Caribbean Island of Barbuda "destroyed by storm"

Our thoughts go to the victims.

Hurricane Harvey pushed Houston's crust down by 2 cm

The 275 trillion pounds of water are taking their toll.

Hurricane Irma already being picked up by seismographs -- instruments that detect earthquakes

It might be even worse than Harvey.

Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks have been completely digitized -- and you can read them for free

It's a challenging but very rewarding read.

How northern lights and stranded whales might strangely be connected

The northern lights might be a brilliant spectacle for some, but they spelled doom for some unfortunate sperm whales.

Hurricane Irma is the strongest ever recorded in the Atlantic. It's set to make landfall in the US

If you thought Harvey was bad, Irma promises to be even worse.

Diverse landscape are more resilient and productive in the face of climate change

If we want to save the planet, we need to keep it diverse.

More problems in Texas -- Chemical plants start leaking after Harvey

Everything is bigger in Texas -- floods and pollution included.

Amazing timelapse video shows Harvey flooding a parking lot

A flood of biblical proportions.

The best photos from the 2017 Bird Photographer of the Year

These are some brilliant entries.

Starting school half an hour later could help students and save $9 billion / year

How is 8AM school time still a thing?

Insects see in much better resolution than we thought

I spy, with my little thousand eyes...

Researchers find tantalizing evidence of mid-sized black hole in the Milky Way

If confirmed, this could indicate a remarkable progress in modern physics.

How science knows when nations are testing nuclear bombs -- even when they are lying

We can't deduce everything, but we can deduce A LOT.

World's biggest X-ray laser comes online in the Germany city of Hamburg

We will be able to see the very fabric of the world make and break.

Every other day, a new species is discovered in the Amazon

There's also some bad news...

CDC: Homeopathic "healing bracelet" dramatically increases lead levels in babies' blood

You know how you call alternative medicine that works? Medicine.

Nanomachines destroy cancer by drilling holes into it

Zap the cancer away.

Chinese scientists create supercapacitors from fallen autumn leaves

From fallen leaves to hi-tech electronics.

Scientists combine spider silk with graphene, create incredibly powerful web

The best part? The spiders themselves produce it.

Harvey flood: Fire ants make raft from their body to survive and protect their eggs

It's the stuff of nightmares.

Human bones in underwater Mexico cave dated to 13,000 years ago -- thanks to a pelvis-stalagmite

Thieves plundered the cave, but they left researchers a bone.

Stunning triceratops fossil discovered by chance on construction site

It's an exciting and intriguing find.

MDMA is now officially labelled a "breakthrough treatment" for PTSD

Researchers have been suggesting this for decades.

Book Review: ‘Face Value: The Irresistible Influence of First Impressions’

We place a lot of emphasis on face reading... but we're also very bad at it.

Book Review: 'Dark Ecology'

It's an exhausting but extremely rewarding trip.

Not art nor Instagram: Food art does not represent reality

Your Instagrams are not original. Painters have been doing it for centuries.

'I Detest America' -- trove of Alan Turing letters give unique insight to his life

A spectacular mind treated unfairly by society.

Rare Amazon monkey spotted for the first time in 80 years

We've found it, but we may soon lose it again to hunting.

Exxon did know about climate change since the 70s -- and it lied, knowingly

They knew about it and yet they did everything they could to hide it.

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) releases endorphins in your brain

Work hard, endorphin hard.

The first new Thorium salt reactor comes online after 40 years

This could be huge.

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