Hurricane Maria “destroys Puerto Rico” — 100% of the state left without power
This is an abnormally strong hurricane season.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
This is an abnormally strong hurricane season.
Like many other NASA technologies, this also proved to be really useful on Earth.
Damn, it always sucks when you come in second.
Cats really *are* liquid... but only sometimes.
Entire fields are his canvas.
Ever wondered what an octopus city looks like?
It's quickly following in Irma's footsteps.
Disclaimer: this is not an actual snake.
Don't be a losenger!
Don't mind me, just hitching a ride.
Gone with the wind.
Like the all-seeing eye, Bresnik takes impressive photos of ungodly storms.
Go with text if you really want to involve people.
While it's in no way as bad as Big Tobacco, Big Alcohol also isn't clean.
Parasites are a hard sell, but we would certainly gain a lot by understanding their threats.
You thought we found everything, didn't you?
It's pretty simple math.
It's like winning the lottery.
You could wear a T-shirt in these caves under the Antarctic.
What's real, a gruffalo, or a hirola?
Our thoughts go to the victims.
The 275 trillion pounds of water are taking their toll.
It might be even worse than Harvey.
It's a challenging but very rewarding read.
The northern lights might be a brilliant spectacle for some, but they spelled doom for some unfortunate sperm whales.
If you thought Harvey was bad, Irma promises to be even worse.
If we want to save the planet, we need to keep it diverse.
Everything is bigger in Texas -- floods and pollution included.
A flood of biblical proportions.
These are some brilliant entries.
How is 8AM school time still a thing?
I spy, with my little thousand eyes...
If confirmed, this could indicate a remarkable progress in modern physics.
We can't deduce everything, but we can deduce A LOT.
We will be able to see the very fabric of the world make and break.
There's also some bad news...
You know how you call alternative medicine that works? Medicine.
Zap the cancer away.
From fallen leaves to hi-tech electronics.
The best part? The spiders themselves produce it.
It's the stuff of nightmares.
Thieves plundered the cave, but they left researchers a bone.
It's an exciting and intriguing find.
Researchers have been suggesting this for decades.
We place a lot of emphasis on face reading... but we're also very bad at it.
It's an exhausting but extremely rewarding trip.
Your Instagrams are not original. Painters have been doing it for centuries.
A spectacular mind treated unfairly by society.
We've found it, but we may soon lose it again to hunting.