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Why does electricity hum -- and why is it a B flat in the US, and a G in Europe?

Who knew sound and current can intertwine so much?

The UN COP23 starts today -- Why this matters, and what you need to know

This could have a big impact on our lives.

Trump negotiators brand coal as the solution for the climate crisis at UN conference

It would be funny if it wouldn't be sad.

New EPA advisor believes air is "a little too clean for optimum health"

Unfortunately, it seems like this administration is hellbent on making the EPA an anti-scientific, destructive organization.

US report says climate change is happening, but US leaders disagrees

It's almost like the current government is building its own alternate reality.

NASA data shows climate change is threatening more glaciers than we thought

Ice might be melting much faster than we thought.

New algorithm turns low-resolution photos into detailed images -- CSI style

Zoom in on that license plate. Yes, I see it clearly now...

Greenhouse gas emissions have already peaked in 49 countries, but it's still not good news

This is no time to pat ourselves on the back, researchers warn.

Stop claiming marijuana cures cancer -- FDA warns against unproven claims

Let's stick to what's scientifically proven, shall we?

Neanderthals were doomed to fail, new study suggests

Humans weren't necessarily better than the Neanderthals, they just moved around more.

Science confirms: Spending time in nature really does help your mind

All nature helps, but rural and coastal areas more so than urban parks.

Spider silk could lead to a new generation of microphones and hearing aids

Spider silk in your ear? For once, that sounds like a good idea.

Do fish have feelings? Science suggests so

Not only do fish have feelings, but this ability might have evolved hundreds of millions of years ago.

Biologists discover a large blue hole in the Great Barrier Reef thanks to Google Maps

It's incredible what you can discover from your own bedroom these days.

NASA Scientists find 20 potentially habitable planets

Trick or treat? I'm dressed as a habitable planet.

MRI successfully predicts suicidality 9 out of 10 times

Scientists were able to detect suicidal thoughts, but don't expect to see this in hospitals anytime soon.

NASA releases creepy space sounds for Halloween

Ever wondered how Halloween sounds like in space?

Rare trees safeguard biodiveristy, new research finds

Nature meets computer models.

Scientist trains AI to generate Halloween costumes ideas, and some are pretty good

Could AIs be... creative?

Canada geese flock to cities to escape hunters

This is good for the geese, but can be nasty for the locals.

It's time for another Fake Apocalypse -- the Nibiru version

Nibiru just won't go away. At least in the minds of some people.

For the first time ever, our solar system is getting an outside visitor

Put the kettle on, we have a visitor.

What Einstein thought about God, the Universe, science and religion

Einstein is also often misinterpreted and even misquoted. So what did the brilliant man think of the Universe?

Google Earth reveals hundreds of ancient structures in Saudi Arabia

Ironically, the archaeologist hasn't even visited Saudi Arabia.

The proton and antiproton are incredibly similar -- indicating that perhaps, our universe shouldn't exist

Why does the universe still exist? That's an intriguing question if I've ever heard one.

Scars left by glaciers show Antarctic ice retreat

Something similar might happen again soon.

How to wash your apples to eliminate pesticides -- according to science

Or you could just buy organic.

Scientists use laser scans to study one of the earliest navigation tools

"It's a great privilege to find something so rare, something so historically important," researchers commented.

Scientists create low-fat pigs by giving them a thermal regulation gene

At the very least, this is a testament to how far genetic editing has come.

Italy announces plans to completely phase out coal by 2025

Italy joins several other European countries in announcing a clear end date of coal power.

Dolphins can also get Alzheimer's, surprising new study finds

We really do have a lot in common with dolphins.

Graphology is a pseudoscience

Sometimes there's a fine line between what's scientific and what's just fantasy.

NASA wants Curiosity Rover to resume drilling on Mars

It took a bit of creative tinkering, but significant progress has been reported.

Reinventing rice: New saltwater rice developed in China could feed over 200 million people

It could make a big difference in many parts of the world.

Who really discovered America? (Spoiler: it's not Columbus)

Everything you learned in the history books is wrong. Christopher Columbus did not "discover" the Americas.

In Medieval times, people would pay Sin Eaters to carry their sins

Eating sins for a living is a rough job.

How Spanish scientists described a solar flare in 1886

He was one of the pioneers of studying solar activity.

E.P.A. removes climate science sections from its website

The EPA could be called a captive agency.

Scientists figure out how many mutations it takes for healthy cells to turn cancerous

This could be a revolution in cancer prevention and therapy.

Great tits are evolving, new study shows

I know what you were thinking about. Birds, they're birds.

Not so harmless: common herbal remedy might cause liver cancer

"Natural healthy medicine, no side effects" ... yeah.

New 3D Radar mapping system could revolutionize rescue missions

Capable of mapping environments in 3D and distinguishing between materials, it could help save a lot of lives.

Flowers use "blue halo" to attract bees

Blue Halo: A story of flowers, bees, and convergent evolution.

Researchers believe they've found a great place for a moonbase -- thanks to a volcano

Building a moonbase in a lava tube. Doesn't that sound awesome?

Astronaut shows what fidget spinners can do in outer space

NASA just wins, can everyone stop with the fidget spinner videos now?

You can now use Google Maps to explore other moons and planets

You can explore the solar system from the comfort of your home.

China's first space station is about to come crashing down on Earth, and we don't really know where

No reason to worry, just an 8-ton space station crashing down on Earth.

Gravitational waves show us how gold is formed

I was never really a fan of gold, but knowing where it originates somehow makes it much more beautiful.

Venezuela to become the first country to lose its glaciers to global warming

Things are not looking good in Venezuela.

Complete wipeout: Just two penguin chicks survive from a colony of 40,000

Researchers are now trying to establish a protected area for the colony.

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