Five weeks of Zumba makes you not only fitter but also happier, study reports
Physical activity does wonders not only for your body but for your mind as well.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
Physical activity does wonders not only for your body but for your mind as well.
Leading by example, Google invests more and more into renewable energy.
Would you be OK with computers being the judges of gymnastics?
We knew that extra pounds are bad for your health, but a new study claims that we may have underestimated...
The country might be on the verge of a health crisis.
The research could help us better understand and protect these gentle giants.
They say don't put your eggs in one basket, but what about putting your eggs in the same bedrock?
Things are really heating up in Bali.
If it happens, it happens -- there's not that much we can do about it.
Think you're buffed today? Well, I've got some news for you...
Caesar's incursion in Britain might have been more successful than we thought.
Most men don't want to discuss erectile dysfunction with a doctor, even if it means further displeasure down the line.
If we're going on Mars, we're going in style.
It's a unique chance to do some top notch science from the comfort of your own home.
Lamborghini wants to replace batteries with supercapacitors and have an engine for each wheel.
Seahorses, in the Thames. What a time to be alive!
The worms could be crucial for a garden-like ecosystem if we ever want to establish a Martian colony.
It could help reduce fuel consumption and make the winter roads safer.
Cinnamon is no miracle cure, but it might help fight those extra pounds.
Put that cigarette down, skip the beer, and eat more fruits and veggies -- your cancer risk will go down...
It's the equivalent of your grandkids being a new species. Pretty crazy.
Delicious and nutritious. Would you like a loaf?
Instead of consuming less, we're consuming more.
Companies are employing water witchery. To find water. In modern UK.
As it turns out, gin *can* make you sad.
Being really smart doesn't stop you from acting dumb when you're in love.
As if cancer wasn't problematic enough...
For most insects, going beneath the water surface would be suicide -- but not for these flies!
When all we're after is catchy headlines, science often falls in the background.
How long until someone will train an AI to trick this AI?
Teens are spicing things up more than they used to.
This could be a game changer.
Yes, these sharks live inside a volcano.
Traffic jams are horrible -- biking can save us the hassle.
Putting his money where his mouth is: Gates invests massively into addressing Alzheimer's disease.
The Brits are still healthy overall, but obesity rates are reaching startling levels.
The oceans and continents aren't as fixed as we tend to think of them.
Good news from Italy!
Hello sir, it is me, the Nigerian prince.
Put that glass down, researchers warn.
The project wouldn't have been possible without the support of local communities.
New Zealand is one of the greenest countries on the planet, but they still have a lot of work to...
An Advil and Tylenol cocktail might be just as strong as opioids in dealing with the pain.
The boy was given a new chance at life.
Don't raid the midnight fridge!
Too big for a planet, too small for a star.
Sheep may be much smarter than we give them credit for.
In a way, we're all the descendants of these rats.
Trump's US is the only country who doesn't want the Paris Agreement.