Here’s why you should never hold in a sneeze
Doctors warn people not to hold sneezes in, as it can have potentially devastating consequences.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
Doctors warn people not to hold sneezes in, as it can have potentially devastating consequences.
Citizen scientists found five "musical" exoplanet.
A book for everyone interested in knowing more about the human mind.
It's not that bad to check your email all the time -- as long as it's work-related.
Simple things can make a big difference.
Everything you wanted to know about climate. No -- really.
There's a new arsonist in town -- one with wings instead of hands.
If there's one thing this study shows, it's that butterflies are survivors.
It was huge, and we might have missed it completely!
This new study -- it's really cool.
If you think you might have a problem, you'll want to read on.
Talk about an advanced pick-up technique!
Scientists have identified yet another unexpected consequence of climate change.
The intriguing moon Titan just became even more interesting.
Just like there's an internet, there's also an interbrain -- except this one is more complex.
The eyes can also be a window into a person's health.
The new generation of robots is softer and gentler.
This could be a game changer.
Bonobos are surprisingly human-like, but this is where things start to diverge.
If you want to create a functioning metalens, you need to design a maze for light.
We don't want to say there's life on Mars... but there could be life on Mars.
Things are bad, but they're not this bad.
It's not exactly accurate, but it's a dazzling display.
We really do contaminate everything we touch -- and space is no exception.
How good are you at detecting diseased people?
"This really is the worst-case scenario," said one scientist.
Brandy, it turns out, is the most popular Christmas drink -- at least in the UK.
It sounds incredibly natural.
Things can get really bad if we don't take action.
We've been drinking more and more wine along the years.
Old-school radio is getting a revamp.
Even though the isle was studied extensively, the structures were buried beneath a murky swamp which likely dissuaded previous efforts.
Science? Evidence? Diversity? Those are all banned!
Nature gets pretty weird sometimes.
Drinking tea (especially without sugar) is good for you, but having a healthy diet and staying fit are still more...
Kids really shouldn't be drinking... really.
Archaeologists were expecting to find beer, but they found something else.
The fist DNA benders!
There are obvious advantages to such technologies, but doctors warn against excessive usage.
The range of cheetahs is becoming smaller and smaller -- as is their population.
Viagra improved the lives of millions of men -- now, it's becoming cheaper and more easily available.
It's a discovery that has everyone excited.
Super Mario is better for your brain than taking piano lessons.
The two companies are in a direct competition, and we just can't have enough of it.
Including the pill, injections, or IUDs.
Want to get rid of diabetes? Just lose some weight.
This could soon pave the way for real, functioning organs.
It's the farthest, oldest, and perhaps most mysterious object we've ever discovered.