Augmented Reality could soon help surgeons ‘see’ through the skin
From Pokemon Go to the operating room.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
From Pokemon Go to the operating room.
A story of bungee jumping, electrical currents, and free will.
Seriously awesome chemistry-themed gifts.
The most adorable gifts you can possibly give.
An AI writer -- can this really be?
Strike another loss for the good guys.
It's a rare glimpse into the life of an Egyptian priestess.
They've found planets in another galaxy -- if that's not jaw-dropping, I don't know what is.
Perhaps it's time we start having conversations about science once again -- and this book is a great place to...
Chile is the latest country to announce a coal phase-out.
Sometimes, it's like the body is acting without you.
Things could be much better.
These are encouraging news, but everything is not rosy in Europe.
Anxiety is useful, to an extent, but sometimes it can overflow, with devastating consequences.
It's a breathtaking view!
This could be BIG.
These proto-birds may have evolved just like their modern relatives.
CO2 emissions dropped in 41 states and increased in 9 other states.
All the plant-based options had fewer calories than cow milk.
Explore what it's like to be in space, while also getting paid? What's not to like?!
Don't be dickish about it -- this is no masstige.
This isn't the last piece of the puzzle -- in fact, it's the very first.
Strike another win for the bad guys.
Apparently, something is rusting at 550 km below the surface.
The unusual treatment might have just saved the bears' life.
Preparations for the moon base are intensifying.
We have a massive plastic pollution problem, with no solution in sight.
Even one cigarette a day is still one too many.
A new study explains what it takes to help kitty slim down.
It wanted to be free.
Going from 40 to 80 individuals is still not where you want to be, but this certainly is encouraging news.
Hugs are an expression of intimacy, universal in human communities and communication.
It's a big milestone for the African country.
“Evacuate inland or to higher ground above and beyond designated tsunami hazard zones ” the authorities warned.
Too often we take our heads for granted.
It's not the early bird that catches the worm -- it's the skilled hookmaker.
The rich aren't only getting richer -- they're getting much richer.
She looked nothing like you'd expect.
This has the opportunity to foster a newer, simpler, and systematic approach to studying climate.
The settlement, named Dhaskalio, was simply stunning for its time.
This could be a game changer.
Loneliness is a serious problem and an important health risk. It's good to see it receiving more and more attention.
The Two Brothers turned out to be, in fact, brothers. But it wasn't an easy feat.
Who wants to drink fish guts?
It's finally time to put this myth to rest.
There's some poetic justice in having Chernobyl once again produce energy -- but this time, from the Sun.