Some 70,000 years ago, a rogue star duo whooshed by our solar system — and early humans probably saw it
If you happened to be alive 70,000 years ago, you'd be in for quite a show.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
If you happened to be alive 70,000 years ago, you'd be in for quite a show.
It may be delicious, but it's not good for you.
It's always about sex, isn't it?
We're still learning much from our interstellar visitor.
We're beyond a tipping point, but not all is lost yet.
Some volcanoes really are super.
The filters they designed actually make the food even tastier.
Unfortunately... not so many good news this time.
It's a whole new type of cookbook.
A song of fire and water, on Mars.
The AIs are getting better and better.
A mythical song of gods and volcanoes.
Impossible means nothing if you're a geologist.
Mother love -- with fangs.
Our ancestors made symbolic use of color pigments and employed advanced tools earlier than previously thought.
Ceres doesn't get as much love as Pluto, but perhaps it should.
Want to avoid dementia? Just stay fit.
This could greatly reduce the need for animal testing, and usher in a new age of drug development.
It's the most unusual volcano name I've ever seen.
Three of the newly-discovered planets are so-called super-Earths.
Over 1,800 reasons to feel hopeful for the future.
Lentils are good for your heart, researchers say.
There's a lot of bad news, but there's also some good news.
There's too much salt in our foods, and Chinese is no exception.
There's no need to panic, but these aren't exactly happy news.
It's an apocalyptic scenario on steroids -- and yet some humans not only survived it but thrived in the process.
Don't blame it on the genes, though.
Don't blame it on genetics though.
Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from these old lads.
This is encouraging news.
It's a trove of valuable data, but we're still just scratching the surface.
Certainly something worth considering for opioids users.
Bottom line: we need to appreciate urban nature more.
This could be big for solar energy.
Green toys are the best toys.
Turns out, termites are basically social cockroaches.
At one point, biologists didn't even think this was possible.
It's impressive that we can learn so much about something so fragile, from so long ago.
A right doesn't necessarily mend a wrong.
OK, if you're into selfies, you need to read this.
How were they able to hide for so long?
You might have not heard his name, but you should have.
It's an exciting time to be a scientist.
I can't think of more fitting work to be listed as UNESCO heritage.
Perhaps it's time to consider a full-scale ban.
This raises an important question about heritage.
Identifying feathers could be extremely useful.
Easily disgusted? Well... that might say about your ideology.
We understand that some might see this as a political issue and might dislike scientific input on the matter. However,...
The findings only carry for one specific type of hearing loss.