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Potato math: Student wins $250,000 for developing computer model that could saves farmers billions

Over 1,800 reasons to feel hopeful for the future.

Adding lentils to your meals can combat high blood pressure

Lentils are good for your heart, researchers say.

Why the US spends so much on healthcare, but doesn't get the benefits it should

There's a lot of bad news, but there's also some good news.

Chinese food is too salty and should have label warnings, study calls

There's too much salt in our foods, and Chinese is no exception.

A year in space -- it really changes your genes

There's no need to panic, but these aren't exactly happy news.

Ancient humans thrived during a supervolcano eruption

It's an apocalyptic scenario on steroids -- and yet some humans not only survived it but thrived in the process.

Scientists find link between obesity and body temperature

Don't blame it on the genes, though.

Empathy might also be part genetic, a new study concludes

Don't blame it on genetics though.

In Victorian Britain, poor rural areas had the best diet and health

Perhaps we could learn a thing or two from these old lads.

The brain "sees" prosthetics just like hands, new study reveals

This is encouraging news.

New NASA data reveals many of Jupiter's hidden secrets

It's a trove of valuable data, but we're still just scratching the surface.

Opioids no better than Tylenol for treating chronic pain

Certainly something worth considering for opioids users.

Urban green spaces provide crucial environmental services, new study confirms

Bottom line: we need to appreciate urban nature more.

Storing solar energy: Researchers pave the way for artificial photosynthesis

This could be big for solar energy.

Lego will start making its first sustainable pieces, replacing plastic

Green toys are the best toys.

Officially demoted: termites are the new cockroaches

Turns out, termites are basically social cockroaches.

The bizarre walk of the Western Grebe caught on camera

At one point, biologists didn't even think this was possible.

Mesozoic baby bird fossil sheds new light on evolution

It's impressive that we can learn so much about something so fragile, from so long ago.

Having a healthy diet doesn't offset high salt consumption

A right doesn't necessarily mend a wrong.

Why selfies make you hate your nose

OK, if you're into selfies, you need to read this.

Large, previously unknown penguin colony discovered through satellite

How were they able to hide for so long?

Darwin's "advertising" -- the magnificent biological art of Ernst Haeckel

You might have not heard his name, but you should have.

Breakthrough in the search for dark matter from the first ever stars

It's an exciting time to be a scientist.

Sir Isaac Newton's groundbreaking papers to become UNESCO heritage

I can't think of more fitting work to be listed as UNESCO heritage.

It's official: pesticides are harming the bees

Perhaps it's time to consider a full-scale ban.

War relics become valuable heritage in Finland

This raises an important question about heritage.

Birds of a feather -- A story of Vikings and pillows

Identifying feathers could be extremely useful.

Your reaction to smells could say a lot about your political preference, a new study suggests

Easily disgusted? Well... that might say about your ideology.

Here's what the science says about bringing more guns into schools: it doesn't work

We understand that some might see this as a political issue and might dislike scientific input on the matter. However, science is non-partisan. It simply presents conclusions drawn from thorough research -- whether we like those conclusions or not.

Hearing loss and memory loss might go hand in hand

The findings only carry for one specific type of hearing loss.

Re-emerging life in Earth's driest desert sparks hopes for life on Mars

Life, as they say, finds a way.

Twinkle, twinkle: Researchers find new clues about extremely bright neutron stars

These stars are bending the laws of physics.

Eating healthy foods protects against depression, new study suggests

What's good for your heart is also good for your mind, science shows.

Norway to invest $13 million in “Doomsday” Seed Vault

We hope this vault will never be needed. But just in case...

Worrying survey finds that 54% of all Americans don't store their guns safely

People who buy guns for self-defense often end up doing more damage, especially if they don't store their guns properly.

Saddle up: New evidence forces us to rethink what we know about horse history

Instead of the domesticated horses deriving from today's wild horses, it's the other way around.

Neanderthals were artists just like humans, and even understood symbolism

Neanderthals were thinkers and artists, just like humans, tantalizing new research suggests.

Alcohol is THE most important preventable factor for dementia

Put that glass down, It's not good for you.

Soft, eel-inspired device can produce up to 110 volts

From electric creatures to better pacemakers and even prosthetics.

Antidepressants do work, largest ever analysis suggests

It's the biggest antidepressant review, and it has encouraging conclusions.

Prehistoric wine discovered in inaccessible caves forces a rethink of ancient Sicilian culture

Prehistoric booze.

Neptune's Great Dark Spot is also shrinking

Another one bites the dust.

In the future, we could be all snacking on jellyfish chips

Don't be so quick to say no.

This fun online game lets you play a propaganda master -- and it's a fake news vaccine

Sowing #fear and #disiniformation has never been this educative!

Jupiter's Great Red Spot might disappear within 20 years

Jupiter's emblematic feature might disappear in a decade or two.

TV shows such as Gray's Anatomy distort our expectations of trauma care

Grey's Anatomy was a really good show, but it's still just a show.

Plants colonized the land 500 million years ago -- much earlier than we thought

Plants might have moved on to the land 100 million years earlier than we thought.

Tokyo announces plan to build 350-meter skyscraper made from wood

A breathtaking, wood-based skyscraper.

The mysterious deep-sea Dumbo octopus hatchlings look just like adults [with video]

These hatchlings emerge fully-formed, ready to take on the world from day one.b

Using rocks for farming could improve soil quality, reduce CO2 emissions

The practice could reduce the need for pesticides, improve soil quality, and absorb carbon dioxide.

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