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Man's best friend can be the best technology.
However, people who do read books are reading much more than before.
The future is finally here.
Unfortunately, the story has a sad twist.
Don't let the downers get to you -- saving water actually works.
Spiders, goblins, and brownies.
An unusual creature form a long, long time ago.
Put that tongue back in, Jurassic Park!
Does the world really need more guns?
The gentle giants of the oceans take good care of their offspring.
We interrupt our regular science broadcast for some wholesome news.
The overall situation is still very bleak, but there are a few very bright spots.
This could also be used to study ocean noise and sealife migration.
Well well, here's a surprising correlation.
Hay fever is in full swing, and the myths are a-plenty.
Things continue to be pretty nasty in Hawaii.
Here's an unusual idea on how to cut back on those sugary drinks.
The lazy panda has a richer story than you'd think.
A problem that will certainly strike close to home for many people.
It's a small gesture, but it can make a big difference for the tiny bees.
There's a good chance life is thriving on alien moons.
Put the cake down, Karen. Have an apple instead.
Spiders ride the wind!
How would you name a snake?
It's an ungodly figure.
This may be a key finding, as more and more pathogens are becoming drug-resistant.
Acting as soon as possible is best -- both for the corals, and ourselves.
How to turn your brain into stone -- literally.
What do you think about this idea?
Hunger + Anger = Hanger. Which is not pleasant for anyone.
Convince me otherwise!
"Our results suggest that the foods people get from work do not align well with the recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans," the authors note.
When the doctors say you should eat delicious fruit... you probably should.
Talk about a crazy procedure!
Talk about a surprising find!
Things are shaking up for the fracking industry.
A judge has ordered Pruitt to do his job -- finally.
It's not all avocado and chia seeds.
It's just what the early humans were doing.
It's an undocumented practice -- we don't know how widespread and widely used it is.
I'd never thought I'd say this, but give me more of these books on colors!
It's all about the dried meat and seeds.
Would you move into this type of house?
A lot has changed in the past 10 centuries -- including genetics.
This picture sent ripples throughout the entire world on June 5, 1989, the morning after the Chinese military violently suppressed the Tiananmen Square protests.
There's a few good news, but a lot of bad news.
Pristine no more -- drilling might soon commence in the Alaskan Arctice.
The answer is certainly debated.
This is truly an exciting achievement.