Beluga whales, killer whales, and narwhals also go through menopause
It actually makes a lot of sense.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
It actually makes a lot of sense.
Our galaxy is like a phoenix.
We're all in this together -- we can't let the diseases win.
It's interesting, but how many rounds per minute does it fire?
Looks like some DNA is able to bear the test of time.
Talk about thick skin!
Here's why this is a good thing.
How I met your Neanderthal mother.
If you have sleep issues or weight issues, you should read this.
Have you noticed summers getting hotter and hotter?
We may have forgotten how to blush, but macaws certainly haven't.
Global warming meets the circle of life: water heats up, krill gets killed off, krill-eating birds suffer.
Roots branched out a long time ago.
Division of labor, once thought to be a hallmark of mankind, is also present in the animal world.
California's green policy is so successful it needs to slow down for a bit.
The lineage which led to humans, however, only emerged a billion years later.
A new approach in how we can work with electronics.
Finally, something to put in my lunar glass of whisky.
A new study sheds some much-needed light on a controversial topic: police militarization.
Maybe this is not so surprising after all.
Don't text and drive. That's all.
This could save Google millions of dollars -- and it also ushers in a new age of technology.
The planet is almost as hot as the Sun.a
The galaxies date from the so-called cosmic Dark Ages.
Get your good 8 hours of sleep, if you don't like being lonely.
Here's a question you never knew you wanted to answer.
Tax havens are even more problematic than we thought.
Originality is a scarce commodity on the web.
It's an interesting man-animal collaboration.
Opioids don't really do any good here, and they might pave the way for an unwanted addiction.
This is probably a good thing, but it remains to be seen whether it will actually make a difference.
We need to be more responsible -- starting from our plates.
How old do you feel, really?
Don't let this fuel the inter-generation conflict though.
To the untrained eye, they look just like plants, static and seemingly inactive. But things are not always as they...
There's a particular irony to this situation.
It looks like we'll have to tackle climate change the good old-fashioned way
Smart clothes -- not watches -- are the future of wearables.
We see them ever so often, but there's so much still shrouded in mystery.
Bitcoin has a lot of work to do before it fulfills its promise.
Even before it actually started doing science, TESS sent back awesome footage of a passing comet.
It's a planet -- no, it's a brown dwarf. No, it's... both?
Vaccines could go a long way towards alleviating poverty in the area.
Results are intriguing, but psychologists are faced with a weird problem.