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I'm not saying it's climate change, but it definitely quacks like climate change.
We need to talk about plastic straws -- and about banning plastic straws.
It's a landmark achievement.
Now, what's in the big black box?
I'd recommend this book to anyone, from the children curious about the world to the scientist too busy to ask simple questions.
Looking sharp, Titan!
America has a hidden problem on its hands.
Contrary to popular belief, omega-3 supplements don't protect your heart.
Color me impressed!
Geologists used climatic changes to define the new period -- but not everyone agrees.
A much needed boost in the research of early-stage Alzheimer's.
Scientists figure out why weed gives you the munchies.
Next up -- clinical trials.
Kind of puts things into perspective, doesn't it?
There's more diamonds than you can imagine.
They were the last Ivy League university which still had this requirement.
Here are the results of the animal popularity contest.
Heat is bringing out ancient features.
The best thing to do is to stick to a healthy diet and be physically active.
This could be a game changer for protecting some coral reefs.
The stuff of legends.
It's still pink, after all these years.
We all get cranky for silly reasons sometimes, but this is a life-changing sentence we're talking about.
Bon Appétit!
What will they do next?
Robots do a much better job at sanitizing than humans ever could.
Iceland is welcoming a new generation of miners.
Trust not your eyes.
Your mom was right.
Scientists have managed to see the unseen.
This sure took a strange turn.
This could be a game changer.
It's another piece of evidence documenting the effects of climate change.
Researchers also propose a solution: switching to clean energy.
Cables could do much more than offer you internet.
The damage is still going.
It's good news, just not *very* good news.
Shocking, really.
There's a metaphor here, and an important lesson for ourselves.
Like Cassandra, the priestess cursed to predict the future and not be believed by anyone, James Hansen's appeal has largely fallen on deaf ears.
It was a hell of a long-distance call.
It's one of the most unique ecosystems on Earth.
What are your 25 places?
AI killed the video game star.
Technology enters the surgery room.
Things are still murky when it comes to the gender pay gap.
It's important to spread body acceptance, but this can also be dangerous.
Good news, everyone!
Also, here's why I'm drinking water out of a jar.
We should appreciate what we have -- and I mean trees.