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Want to improve kids' test scores? Help them reduce their anxiety, researchers say

It's a simple thing that can make a big difference -- especially for low-income children.

Researchers "trick" breast cancer cells and turn them into fat

It's an exciting new avenue for treatment.

Finland's awesome new library is so popular it's running out of books

Talk about a first world problem!

Urban areas can do a lot to support bees and other pollinators, new study concludes

"Plant more flowers!" -- scream the bees.

WHO report: You should eat 25g of fiber every day -- and you probably don't

Fiber helps protect against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and a swarm of other health issues.

Want your kids to be calmer and have improved mental health? Connect them to nature, scientists say

Many parents have been suspecting this for a while -- now we have the science to confirm it.

DNA pioneer James Watson stripped of honorary titles after racist remarks

It's not the first time Watson has made racist statements.

Why we yawn and why it's contagious

Just thinking about it makes me yawn -- because it's contagious, not because it's boring.

How big is the universe?

Scientists don't really know if the universe is finite or infinite, but here is the best of our knowledge

When worlds collide: Volcanic Lightning

These are two of the most spectacular phenomena you can observe -- and they can be intertwined.

The Manhattanhenge phenomenon -- here's what you need to know

It's a unique astronomic phenomenon.

There's no such thing as an ideal diet, new study suggests

Eat more fibers, less energy dense foods, and you'll probably be alright.

Artificial Intelligence detects Alzheimer's six years before human diagnosis

The age of AI doctors is dawning upon us.

US Government shutdown hits hard at scientists -- and research in general

This is yet another reminder that political decisions have massive implications for science.

Americans are happier in states that spend more on public goods like libraries and parks

Useful information for policymakers.

Amoeba finds solution to Traveling Salesman problem

We may have to re-think what we thought we know about intelligence.

A third of cars sold in Norway in 2018 were purely electrical

Hybrid + electrical made up almost half of Norway's car market in 2018.

This AI can do a 3D facial reconstruction from a single picture

It's seriously cool.

Scientists devise mind-bending model of the Universe

Things are about to get very weird.

Researchers use ultra-violet light to study first English voyage to America

The first Englishman to set foot on America.

Does parenting make people unhappy?

The answer is often 'yes'.

Amid government shutdown, US National Parks overflow with garbage

This is bad news.

China spacecraft makes historic landing on the dark side of the moon

It's the first mission to ever land on the far side of the moon.

Bacteria in ancient Druid "healing soil" found to stop the growth of super bugs

It even stops MRSA.

Populist leaders are threatening democracy, researchers warn

The world is experiencing a dramatic surge of populism.

Freelancing might be bad for your health, a new study suggests

Working as a freelancer? You might want to read this.

Japan's new year resolution: resuming commercial whale hunting

The decision has been met with disappointment and criticism.

An ancient recipe for chicken and damsons

An old, delicious recipe.

Meet the world's smallest snowman

Isn't he adorable?

Yes, a quantum internet is possible, new study shows

This is seriously cool.

Stone Age people were living on the Himalayan plateau 30,000 years ago

They may have received some genetic assistance from an early race of humans.

Want to understand something complicated? Just try explaining it to yourself

It's like your very own 1 on 1 tutoring session.

Christmas traditions: In Catalonia, a man is pooping in the nativity scene

It's supposed to bring good luck!

The statistic of the year: 90.5% of plastic has never been recycled

Some stats are better than others.

Dutch researchers grow bananas without soil to protect them from disease

Bananas, as we know them, are undergoing huge challenges.

Dementia symptoms reversed in mice -- human trials are next

The key is a combination of microbubbles and ultrasound.

Coastal erosion reveals incredibly well-preserved dinosaur footprints in southern England

It's like Disneyworld for paleontologists.

Blind creature that buries its head in the sand named after Donald Trump

The resemblance is uncanny.

Giraffes quietly dropped down to 'Endangered list'

Giraffes have been undergoing a silent extinction.

Working out in the evening doesn't cause any sleep problems

Work out anytime you want -- no excuses!

Germany's word of the year is a climate change pun

It's a hot topic.

Look at all these faces. None of them are real -- they were created by an AI


Johnson & Johnson knew its baby powder has cancer-causing asbestos -- but it lied

A story worth reading.

Tourists might be bringing diseases to Antarctica's penguins

Tourists are bringing dangerous pathogens to the Antarctic.

Shark numbers plummet by 92% in Australian waters

Sharks are declining at an alarming rate.

Virgin Galactic tourist space rocket passes first test

Fancy a trip to outer space?

Luxembourg to become the first country to make public transportation free

It's Luxembourg's moment in the spotlight.

Blink and you'll miss it -- new study shows that blinking can be significant nonverbal cues

Do you pay attention to how the people you talk to blink?

How pink poop and satellites revealed a giant penguin colony

Don't eat the pink snow.

A geological hallmark of human activity: chicken bones

It's not a very pleasant thought.

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