Diet check: the whale shark is more “vegetarian” than we thought
This could be very important for saving the world's biggest fish.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
This could be very important for saving the world's biggest fish.
It's raining hydrocarbon on Titan.
There is apparently no upper limit for training when it comes to the beneficial effects for the heart.
It's a simple thing that can make a big difference -- especially for low-income children.
It's an exciting new avenue for treatment.
Talk about a first world problem!
"Plant more flowers!" -- scream the bees.
Fiber helps protect against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and a swarm of other health issues.
Many parents have been suspecting this for a while -- now we have the science to confirm it.
It's not the first time Watson has made racist statements.
Just thinking about it makes me yawn -- because it's contagious, not because it's boring.
Scientists don't really know if the universe is finite or infinite, but here is the best of our knowledge
These are two of the most spectacular phenomena you can observe -- and they can be intertwined.
It's a unique astronomic phenomenon.
Eat more fibers, less energy dense foods, and you'll probably be alright.
The age of AI doctors is dawning upon us.
This is yet another reminder that political decisions have massive implications for science.
Useful information for policymakers.
We may have to re-think what we thought we know about intelligence.
Hybrid + electrical made up almost half of Norway's car market in 2018.
It's seriously cool.
Things are about to get very weird.
The first Englishman to set foot on America.
The answer is often 'yes'.
It's the first mission to ever land on the far side of the moon.
The world is experiencing a dramatic surge of populism.
Working as a freelancer? You might want to read this.
The decision has been met with disappointment and criticism.
An old, delicious recipe.
This is seriously cool.
They may have received some genetic assistance from an early race of humans.
It's like your very own 1 on 1 tutoring session.
It's supposed to bring good luck!
Some stats are better than others.
Bananas, as we know them, are undergoing huge challenges.
The key is a combination of microbubbles and ultrasound.
It's like Disneyworld for paleontologists.
The resemblance is uncanny.
Giraffes have been undergoing a silent extinction.
Work out anytime you want -- no excuses!
Tourists are bringing dangerous pathogens to the Antarctic.
Sharks are declining at an alarming rate.
Fancy a trip to outer space?
It's Luxembourg's moment in the spotlight.