Deforestation in Brazil continues to soar as current administration shows lack of interest
The all-too-familiar story about the rainforest versus economic development.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
The all-too-familiar story about the rainforest versus economic development.
Could this be the key to ensuring that the ISS lives long and prosper?
There's a stunning biodiversity underground -- and we're just now learning about it.
A new use found for testosterone.
The new study slams the idea that immigrants in the classroom use up resources.
The wine wasn't restricted to the higher echelons of Celtic society -- the craftsmen also enjoyed a glass from time...
The trend became much clearer after the Neolithic, but the signs were there.
Some encouraging news in a sea of trouble.
Farm microbes could help reduce asthma risk.
One day, our social media history might play an important role in the doctor's office.
Some are more willing than others to transition.
A new study calls for better methods to support families with LGBT children.
This could end up saving many lives.
Life, uhm, finds a way.
More like Sciency McScienceFace!
A crucial ingredient for life was found on Europa.
Lightning may not strike two times in the same place -- but tsunami sure does.
Mankind has been cooking starches for a long, long time.
We're getting closer to one of archaeology's Holy Grails.
Ever wondered how plants manage to survive in ungodly high temperatures?
Which kind of toothbrush do you use?
Three percent, ten percent, forty-seven percent -- what's a reasonable price?
The "luxury effect" also propagates across animals.
Did you know that Bitcoin is a significant contributor to global warming?
This is not only sustainable and recyclable but also cost-effective
Agricultural pollution causes a concerning number of cancers, a new study finds
You don't even need to become a vegetarian.
Who doesn't love a glass of wine?
It's one of the oldest meteorite impacts ever discovered.
What are you drinking right now?
You should probably eat more fruits and vegetables.
As if snow leopards didn't have enough to deal with.
There's more plastic in the deep than there is on the surface.
The beauty of math is embedded in nature.
Something needs to change in science publishing.
To make things even better, the straws are also edible.
Prehistoric cereal rings? Sounds delicious!
It's not exactly clear what health effects this plastic has on human health.
Eggs are probably alright -- as long as you're healthy and don't eat too many saturated fats.
Being an actor isn't easy -- at least for 90% of those trying to make it.
Would you eat lab-grown insect meat?
It was a crucial and defining moment in human evolution.
An 'East meets West' success story.
Call it underwater CCTV.
The team found a direct correlation between seismic signals and physical movements on the sides of the fault.
A common fish behavior evolved at least 50 million years ago.
Talk about a surprising find!
Curiosity is finding water beneath the ground -- and in the sky.