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Climate change action requires big changes, new report highlights

Small changes just aren't gonna cut it -- we need big, societal changes, at every level.

Food chains with voluntary labeling offer healthier foods, study suggests

Mandatory labeling could encourage supermarkets and restaurants to offer healthier, more nutritional foods.

New model predicts where Ebola might strike next -- and climate change is an issue

Climate change and poverty can increase the risk of an outbreak, researchers warn.

Scientists endorse mass civil disobedience for push climate action

It's not common for scientists to take a social stand.

Chillax, it's whatevs -- new words added to Oxford dictionary

"Oxford Dictionary needs to be stopped" -- our copy editor, upon reading the list.

Underwater volcanoes can produce stadium-sized bubbles

Some bubbles were up to 750 feet (228 meters) across.

Why typhoons and hurricanes make beautiful, pink (or violet) skies

It was the beauty before the storm.

Trio of economists awarded Nobel prize for their work on alleviating poverty

You could hardly imagine a more noble award.

Doctors petition FDA to add breast cancer warning on cheese

12,000 doctors have signed the petition.

Cut down on dairy and sweets if you're struggling with acne, study concludes

Yes, even chocolate.

Typhoon Hagibis hits Japan with intense rainfall and winds

Torrential rain and tornado-like winds are lashing out at mainland Japan. It’s probably the strongest storm to hit Japan in 60 years. Typhoon Hagibis is currently the strongest storm on Earth, and will quite possibly be the strongest of the year. It made landfall on Saturday on Japan’s East coast, striking with consistent winds at […]

Da Vinci's bridge that never was -- how the world missed an architectural revolution

If it would have been accepted at the time, it would have revolutionized architecture.

Climate change has already claimed 5 islands in the Pacific

These are the first islands we've lost to climate change.

How to dismantle atomic bombs -- for real this time

Many atomic bombs that are officially dismantled are still very much functional. A team of researchers wants to fix that.

A healthy diet can help with depression, new study shows

Healthy mind in healthy body.

25% of US healthcare spending is wasted

That's over $700 billion a year.

Badger culling is probably counterproductive and actually helps spread tuberculosis

Vaccination can be much more effective and humane, the researchers suggest.

First lab-grown meat from outer space

Is lab-grown meat coming of age?

Not blue nor red: here's what Pluto actually looks like

This is not what Pluto looks like.

Nobel Physics Prize goes to cosmology and exoplanet pioneers

It's exciting to see exoplanet research being awarded with a Nobel Prize.

The potential health benefits of CBD Capsules

Because of its touted efficacy and minimal side effects, more and more people are now using CBD capsules.

Saturn is now the planet with the most moons

If having most moons was a race, Saturn just took an unexpected lead.

How satellite data can help us save struggling forests

All around the world, climate heating is making the forests more and more vulnerable.

Salt lake Mars: Red planet had salty lakes billions of years ago

Mars' past seems to be more and more interesting.

NASA offers dazzling 3D moon maps for artists and educators

It's the moon as you've never seen it before.

Our pets should eat more insect-based food, veterinarians say

Vets are urging pet owners to consider insect-based food for their pets, saying that it’s healthier than any prime steak. As the world population continues to increase, food demand is becoming an increasingly pressing issue — particularly as the global demand for meat also continues to surge. Raising conventional livestock requires massive land and water […]

Red meat not bad for you? Not so fast!

'This report has layers of flaws and is the most egregious abuse of evidence that I have seen.'

Why some people are left-handed

Left-handed people appear to have better verbal skills, but they also have slightly higher risks of Parkinson's and schizophrenia.

Climate change deniers still receiving disproportionate attention from the media, study finds

Here's a crazy idea: stop giving airtime to people who promote anti-scientific beliefs.

People used marijuana in rituals 2,500 years ago

High up in the mountains of China.

People who use more emojis have more sex


What this alien-looking creature is -- and why you shouldn't be afraid of it

Sure it looks creepy beyond all definition, but don’t worry: you’ll probably never see one in your life. The creature in case is a a Giant Caecilian (Caecilia pachynema): a small, legless, earthworm-like amphibian (look closely and see the syringe needle for scale). Caecilians lack limbs, but they aren’t closely related to snakes — instead, they’re more […]

Can vegan burgers be just as filling as meat ones? This study says so

There are many reasons why humans eat meat. It’s a simple and efficient way to get nutrients, and it’s usually very convenient. But in modern times, our meat consumption has increased dramatically, up to the point where meat is often a part of every meal — something which is unnecessary and damaging to human health. […]

ZME Science stance on communicating the climate crisis

Like other publishers before us, we are updating our stance on how we communicate and report on the current climate situation. This is done to reflect the severity and urgency of the crisis we are facing. We will favor terms such as “climate emergency” and “climate crisis”, although the more established “climate change” and “global […]

Beautiful (and free) posters celebrating women in science

Brilliant art for brilliant scientists.

How scientists used 17,000 wallets to find out just how honest people are

The results were surprising: wallets with money were more likely to be returned than the ones with no money.

Biology assignment exposes sushi restaurants for using false ingredients

Are you really what you eat?

Here's what's really shameful about the kids' climate strike

They're listening to the science more than most politicians.

Why children and students are revolting against climate change inaction

The kids are alright.

The climate warming we are causing is unparalleled in the past 2,000 years

There is no precedent for this warming event.

Big oil asks US government to protect it from climate change

Talk about irony.

There's a 99.9999% chance humans are causing climate change

"Humanity cannot afford to ignore such clear signals," were the words with which the study concluded.

Global antibiotic resistance in food animals has become a major issue

Reducing antibiotic usage in animals should be a priority, new research concludes.

How plants decide when to flower and when to grow

Flower life seems simple enough, but there is some important decision-making involved.

Here's what the Denisovans might have looked like

It's the first glimpse of the Denisovan look.

Immigrants less likely to fall into recidivism than non-immigrants, study shows

Immigrants in general have lower rates of offending and incarceration. This also stands for recidivism.

Breathing technique can improve radiotherapy effectiveness

Using the technique, patients can hold their breath for up to 6 minutes at a time.

Black carbon pollution can reach the placenta, new study shows

Yet another problem associated with pollution.

Nature documentaries talk a lot about environmental threats -- but they don't show them

Documentaries need to do better.

Meet the largest amphibian species -- it's been in a museum for 74 years

The world's museum host numerous important findings just waiting to be analyzed.

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