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Taiwan just went 200 days without a single domestic coronavirus case

No other place has reached such a milestone.

Breastfeeding might help develop babies' brain, new study suggests

Yet another advantage to breastfeeding.

A medieval scribe curses a cat for peeing on his manuscript

Cats ruining things: a tale as old as time.

They took our jobs... but we're okay with it? AI-related job growth linked to improved social welfare

Well, this is unexpected.

Aerosol microdroplets aren't very good at carrying COVID-19, new laser study shows

The risk is real, but not very large, researchers say.

Another study connects COVID-19 to a lack of Vitamin D

80% of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency, a Spanish study found, compared to 40% for the general population

NASA finds water in cold traps on the moon -- and it could sustain a lunar base

The moon is much wetter than we thought -- not one, but two papers show it.

The pandemic winter wave is well and truly upon us

Winter is coming, and with it, the scenario epidemiologists were fearing: pandemic fatigue and a global surge of cases.

If all Americans wore masks, 130,000 lives could be saved

We're probably headed for a grim winter, a new study concludes. But there are ways to alleviate that.

These are the droids we're looking for: A new robot can assemble a pizza in under a minute

The aptly named PizzaBot 5000 can crank out pizzas all day long.

Dum dum badum dum: Google now lets you hum-search for songs -- and it actually works

Okay, how's this: nanana na na nana na nana? The Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel, obviously.

Cat genome unveiled in unprecedented detail -- new treatments on the horizon

Among the findings, researchers report discovering a gene responsible for cat dwarfism.

This white paint cools rooftops below the surrounding temperature, even under direct sunlight

The paint reflects 95.5% of sunlight that reaches its surface, compared to 80-90% for commercial paints.

Millions and millions of Americans want police reform, new study shows

Discussing this type of opinion is not something researchers are eager to do -- but a new study shows a strong desire for change.

An American politician streamed Among Us on Twitch. She almost broke the viewership record

Over 430,000 simultaneous viewers tuned in to watch her play Among Us. Nothing sus about it.

Air pollution and neurological disorders go hand in hand -- and it's probably not a coincidence

Air pollution was associated with an increased risk of hospital admissions for disorders, including Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and other dementias.

To keep COVID-19 at bay in classrooms, open windows and use glass screens in front of desks

Classrooms had better keep the windows open.

We can now see ancient carbon dioxide levels with coral time machines

Wait a minute, Doc. Are you telling me you built a time machine... out of a coral?

Scientists unravel mysteries of unique Aussie spider silk

The silk of this spider is unique. Its properties have now been analyzed in a new study.

Gags and uproar at paleontology conference after profanity filter bans the word "bone" (and many others)

The overzealous filter also banned the worlds "pubic", "stream", "jerk", and ... 'beaver'.

Japanese device scans a book a minute

Digitizing knowledge just became much easier.

This AI can tell which Instagram photos are edited

The future is here: it's AI versus the Gram.

Three coffees a day bring headaches your way -- stick to one or two and you should be fine

You might want to reconsider that extra cup of coffee.

Researchers train robot swarm to serve as 'real-life paintbrushes'

Can robots play a part in producing art? This team believes so.

Europe's coronavirus success stories aren't doing so hot right now

Pandemic fatigue is starting to take its toll.

Silver lining: pandemic restrictions squash flu season in southern hemisphere

Another positive side effect of distancing, masks, and washing your hands.

It's greener than you thought: New tree count in Sahara shows surprising results

Researchers could soon count every tree on Earth.

How crystals form on surfaces -- and why this is big news for nanotech

A DNA-based self-assembling technique sheds light on processes essential for semiconductors and nanotech.

For all the damage they cause, viruses also help push evolution

Viruses are a seemingly inherent part of mammalian evolution, two studies suggest.

Can popular proverbs teach us anything about climate change perception?

A trio of researchers in Spain looked at a how weather-related proverbs related to climate change.

Getting a tattoo without the needle? Scientists got you covered

Painless tattoos? Yes please!

Nobel-winning women hope to inspire new generation of scientists

The dearth of female Nobel laureates is even worse than the one generally present in science.

The beautiful Nature Journal of illustrator Jo Brown

The beauty of nature is often hiding in plain sight. Even our backyards hold countless treasures, waiting to be discovered.

These are the best drone photos of the year -- and they will blow your mind

From a shark hole in a heart-shaped salmon school to social-distanced protests, these photos are something else.

SARS-CoV-2 can survive 9 hours on the human skin, compared to 2 hours for the influenza virus

Seriously, just wash your hands. Often.

No, herd immunity is still not a viable strategy -- and the Barrington declaration is unscientific and unethical

This declaration is not about science nor medicine. It's about politics.

In an ongoing, burning climate crisis, Exxon Mobil plans surge in emissions, leaked documents show

Exxon Mobil planned to increase its annual carbon-dioxide emissions by as much as the output of the entire nation of Greece,

Hydroxychloroquine advocates are angry Trump didn't take it for himself

No matter how you look at it, the whole affair is very sus.

Climate warming is changing the US planting zones

Iconic plants may disappear from their traditional zones as climate change pushes them northwards.

Within a couple of days, President Trump has posts removed from both Facebook and Twitter

For different reasons, the two social media giants have taken punitive action against the US President.

Nobel Physics laureate pays tribute to snubbed Hawking

Stephen Hawking enriched our understanding of the universe decades ago, but he never got a Nobel.

CRISPR researchers awarded Nobel Prize for chemistry

Chemistry kind of gave its Nobel Prize to biology this year.

A tale of two cesspits: 14th century latrines are revealing the medieval European lifestyle

It was the best of poop, it was the worst of poop.

Black hole researchers honored with Nobel Prize for Physics

It's celebration time in the world of physics -- and astrophysics takes the laurels again.

Merriam-Webster sees 30,500% spike in 'schadenfreude' after Trump diagnosis

Thousands and thousands of internet users have learned a new word.

Nobel Prize: Trio of scientists honored for discovering Hepatitis C virus

The discovery has likely saved millions.

This guy on Youtube makes knives from foods, sand, and other crazy materials

Ever wondered how to make a knife from jello or milk? Well, here's how.

Archaeologists in Turkey uncover wicked 2,400-year-old Dionysus mask

Now that sounds like a celebration one can get behind.

Photographer develops 120-year-old photo -- and of course it's an adorable cat

Of course it's a cat. What else could it be?

Scientists recreate the face of ancient dog

The face of the world changes all the time, but the face of a good doggo is timeless. Now, we can see it. Meet a very special Neolithic dog. Human forensics have developed greatly in recent years, up to the point where facial reconstructions have become somewhat mundane. Not only have scientists reconstructed the faces […]

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