These adorable tiny pygmy possums are still alive after the Australian bushfires
They're alive, bless their souls, but they're at their most vulnerable right now.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
They're alive, bless their souls, but they're at their most vulnerable right now.
Turns out, Darwin was really good about understanding evolution.
The decision to commit to marriage is a complex one, and we often put our partner to the test --...
Some volcanoes may be more explosive than we thought.
The samples are in 'perfect shape' and they could shed new light on the birth of the solar system.
Three words: open - the - windows.
The Arctic may be cold outside, but it's pretty hot beneath the surface.
While you're living in 2020, Russia is already living in a risky 2021.
DeepMind's AlphaFold claims to have solved a 50-year-old challenge of protein structure.
The CDC says US blood samples from early December tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
A year into the pandemic, we're still battling coronavirus myths.
This enables the dragonfish to creep up on unsuspecting critters.
The lab-grown chicken meat has all of the taste and none of the cruelty or antibiotics.
It's remarkably accurate.
A look back on one of the world's iconic telescopes.
It's a story of obesity, hunger, and glaciers.
Years of neglect and a series of structural failures spelled an end for the telescope.
The 'greener' version of the Mediterranean diet may be even more efficient.
Doctors should be aware of this indicative injury.
We absolutely need this if we're to ever establish a colony on the Red Planet.
Nowadays, we aren't nearly as sturdy, the researchers report.
The billions of liters of fresh water were discovered with electrical surveys.
After its 150 anniversary, the famous chemical table might be getting a makeover.
This will completely change your idea of Christmas.
You can have your paper published and accessible for everyone to see, at the low low cost of $11,390.
The greatest polymath of the Islamic world, a mind on par with Da Vinci -- and you've probably never heard...
It's one long distance call researchers weren't happy to take.
North America has by far the greatest bee diversity.
It's the most optimistic scenario we have for vaccine development.
It lies 6,300 light-years away in the constellation Hercules. Now, we finally know its story.
With electric scooters being increasingly popular in cities, it's worth also having a look at mobility scooters.
R0 tells you how much people spread the disease on average. But averages don't tell you the whole picture.
After the moon, they also want to put one on Mars.
They say images are worth a thousand words. This one sure is.
The Milky Way has intertwined with other galaxies multiple times. Now, astronomers have put the puzzle pieces together.
According to the company which developed it, the test has 90% accuracy and gives the result in under a minute.
The temple was built to honor deities like Thor and Odin.
You're probably guilty too.
The pandemic may trigger long-lasting effects in privacy and data protection.
Guys, you may want to sit down for this one.
As the Antarctic continues to heat and melt, these processes can make it worse.
The lake bed could be millions of years old, formed at a time when Greenland was still green.
The name was not a hit, but the idea sure was.
You think you're safe, but the gulls know where you are. They're watching.
To build a moon base, you first need oxygen.
As if Europa needed to get even cooler.
Lower-income and lower-education people seem to be most likely to be disenchanted by dating.
From the caribou to the eagles and the fish, all Arctic creatures are behaving differently -- and climate change is...
It's still just interim data, but it looks good.
Although it might take longer than that to approve the vaccine, its development has been extremely fast.