When South African bees reproduce asexually, they make near-perfect clones of themselves
Why even bother with sexual reproduction?
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
Why even bother with sexual reproduction?
Restoration work revealed the stunning level of detail in this Viking-era cross.
Football is a surprisingly random game.
There are no superpowers but also no genetic damage.
"Oh my God, I'm in a whale's mouth", the diver wrote on Facebook.
The supercomputer practice was well worth it.
The food on our plates is an important contributor to climate change.
The drug is one of the few major advancements against Alzheimer's, but it is also fraught with controversy.
It's been almost 5 million years since CO2 levels were this high.
Should we be a bit concerned that the world's richest person is going to space?
Don't believe your eyes.
Diamonds could allow doctors to make use of the best versions of two imaging techniques -- simultaneously.
The island will protect the port from rising sea levels and house around 35,000 people.
A well-deserved retirement for an unassuming hero.
The decision opens the way for a slew of billion-dollar litigation trials.
We still don't know where SARS-CoV-2 came from -- but bats are a major virus reservoir in general.
Aboriginal Australians are part of the oldest living culture on Earth -- and we could learn a thing or two...
When it's geology versus cities, the geology usually wins.
Studies that are "out there" tend to be picked up more, even when they're on shaky ground. Meanwhile, solid science...
However, Chinese markets escaped the brunt of the damage.
A new study shows the surprising way hair cracks shaving blades.
It's excellent performance for any vaccine, let alone one done in less than one year with innovative technology.
Your new personal assistant.
If the finding is confirmed, it would be some strong evidence pointing at ancient life on Mars.
The virus is spreading quickly among birds, leading to concerns that we won't be able to contain it.
But... is this even a bad thing?
Vaccines seem to be effective against this variant of concern.
Should you grow that beard or keep it shaved?
Here's how wireless devices receive power -- and why it's such a big deal.
This is a big problem in some areas.
Although lions attract conservation efforts, we're not very good at counting them.
The only thing cooler than a smart, useful robot is a smart, useful, open-source robot.
A global shortage of semiconductors has emerged as a full-blown crisis at the start of the year.
The CBD craze just keeps on growing, but the research takes more time to keep up.
Mathematics to the rescue!
After the first return flights, now it's time to start exploring Mars!
While vaccination is still far away for people in many parts of the world, airlines will need to take measures...
A cautionary tale we've failed to heed more than a century later.
Maybe, uhm, robots aren't so bad after all.
Donkeys are undergoing their worst crisis ever.
It's one of the most bizarre (and beautiful) kind of church you can see -- and it hides quite the...
Climate change used to be good for bananas. Not anymore.
Bitcoin has done a lot for some people, but what has it really done for society?
Literally adding a new dimension to old maps.
After completing its fourth flight, Ingenuity is now looking to an even more ambitious mission.
Uncapped oil wells could be leaking millions of kilograms of methane into the atmosphere and surface water each year.
Experts fear even this is an undercount.
The arms race between terrorists and officials is going online.