Ground penetrating radar offers unique view of Mars’ subsurface
It's the first time we've seen the Martian subsurface in such detail.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
It's the first time we've seen the Martian subsurface in such detail.
After all this time, questions regarding the origin of the pandemic still linger, but evidence seems to suggest a common...
The injured ant communicates the problem, and then the "doctors" come in. Some of these techniques have only been seen...
Yet another reason why we should be extremely careful with the pesticides we use.
Windows plus dirt plus cooking emissions can make for a bad cocktail.
Ultraprocessed? More like ultrabad.
They're as cute as an urchin can be.
Mathematics has long been dancing between the arts and the sciences. It's hard to corner it into one camp.
The algorithm works best when used by historians.
A dystopia is shaping up before our eyes.
People in Mali, Chad, Senegal and Uruguay eat healthier foods than those in the US and many European countries.
It's remarkable what a few repetitive atoms can do.
It can work, but you need to do it with empathy.
It's the first-ever accurate manta ray model and it could help in their conservation.
When an influential queen went into mourning, the rich had to intermingle with the less rich -- which brought remarkable...
What was living like for the Mayans?
Asteroid giving NASA's spacecraft suspicious looks.
Even Elon Musk is tweeting about it.
Neolithic porridge, anyone?
We interviewed a Nobel Laureate about his ambitious plan to make California's water usage more efficient.
Love hurts. Apparently, sometimes, cat love hurts a lot.
There's a lot of variability, but one big culprit stands out.
Want super white teeth without the risks that can come with regular whitening? I've got some good news.
Apps have a lot of data on you.
Well, that's one way to fight procrastination.
It's encouraging, but expensive and hard to scale -- it won't save us from climate change yet.
A researcher asks a very important question.
Yes, you should probably sleep more.
The suspected 9.5 earthquake took place in Chile and would have created huge tsunamis.
Soy and pea milk stand out as healthy options.
Dogs produce more tears when they're flooded with emotion, and they sometimes do it when they see their human.
Sensors are getting cheaper, and they can be used for more than just tracking your run.
From the god of Hell to mountains in Poland, geological eras have quite diverse inspiration behind their names.
A new study sheds light on the planets around cosmic lighthouses.
The life of a medieval friar was tough.
So far, the method has only been tested on mice, but it seems promising and researchers also want to try...
Tardigrades are super tough, but they can't withstand *everything*.
Want to reduce pests in your field? You'd probably do well to get some ants.
Owners risked fines between $500 and $50,000.
Could food labeling get people to eat more healthily?
The Arctic creatures have some stunning adaptations.
Most dogs are playful, but some are more playful than others.
Europe's rivers are running dry as one of the worst droughts in centuries hits the continent.
With the way temperatures are going, it's a word you may want to remember.
Thought the two meant the same thing? Think again.
The images are pretty, but the effects can be very ugly.
Man-made materials are slowly taking over the natural world.
We desperately need to understand what the worst climate scenarios are. Focusing only on optimistic scenarios can seriously backfire.
Polio is becoming a real problem in the US.
Iceland has even put a livestream of the volcano, while warning people to stay away from the lava and toxic...