Frozen Saturn moon spurts out water plume 20 times bigger than itself
That's not a good way to stay hydrated.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
That's not a good way to stay hydrated.
The virus has been flying under everyone's radar, but the CDC reported a sharp uptick recently.
Archaeologists were puzzled by the mysterious ruins. But then, they found a "smoking gun."
These planets would not look like ours, but they would be habitable.
Take a good look at the night sky. It may look very differently a few years from now.
Marsquakes are helping us understand our solar neighbor.
Experience the stunning world of nature's oversized marvels -- it's not your average list of giant animals.
When asteroids hit the Earth, they leave behind spectacular geological landmarks.
Our water supply systems have never been under more stress.
Usually, whenever you hear about dumping things in the ocean, it's cringe. But this is different.
Neurons shouldn't fuse together -- or so we thought.
When's the last time you sensed the Earth's magnetic field?
Soy protein may be better for you in more than one way.
The solutions could be useful everywhere.
Saturn's rings are much younger than we thought.
This could dramatically change our understanding of the disease.
The death cap mushroom has finally met its match: a dye used in medical imaging.
Almond milk is a healthy dairy substitute with nutrients and suitability for various dietary needs.
Two thirds of American car dealers aren't selling EVs. A third wouldn't sell them even if they could.
Smartwatches are turning more and more into medical devices.
Universities say they're preparing, but AI is remarkable able to pass.
Technology is merging two seemingly incompatible worlds: plants and electronics.
But the "light" web is even more problematic.
A female crew would require 26% fewer calories, 29% less oxygen, and 18% less water.
Our overreliance on GPS impairs our spatial memory.
A citizen science project was able to harvest 1 kg of insect-pollinated fruit from a one-meter urban garden.
It's never easy to reintroduce a species to the wild. But it seems to be working.
Did someone spike the beer with LSD?
Policy is usually notoriously slow to react to technology. Will this time be any different?
People consistently underestimate how much their friends appreciate it when they reach out.
It's all fun and games until a baby is conceived in microgravity. Then, the problems will start pouring in.
Bhutan has been mining Bitcoin since it was $5,000.
There's little hope in keeping AI engines isolated.
The recent National Take Back Drug Day was a success in the effort to combat drug abuse.
These adorable creatures are becoming endangered.
Dandelions are more than just weeds. Discover the benefits of dandelion tea.
People ask 'is water wet?' as if it were obvious. Really, it's not.
The health benefits of dandelion have long been overlooked.
Something small can be very powerful in our society.
This doesn't make intensive agriculture good, but it can help us understand the pollinator-plants interactions.
Imaging science could get some unexpected help.
They fall asleep into the depths -- but it's all part of the plan.
Structural engineers keep our buildings going strong.
If someone asks you how many eyes spiders have, don't just rush to say 'eight'. The answer is not so...
Simple changes can have big effects, and something as small as mentioning how many calories can convince people to eat...
Although the technology was only demonstrated on mice, researchers think it can also work on humans.
The photo was meant to stir up a debate -- and that it did.
They're often considered a pest because they're so adaptable and clever.
We need a sustainable replacement for plastic as soon as possible.
You think climate change is bad now? You should have seen it 600 million years ago.