A second baby seems to have been cured from HIV
When researchers first reported a child cured of HIV, they were baffled! The fact that he was reportedly cured just...
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
When researchers first reported a child cured of HIV, they were baffled! The fact that he was reportedly cured just...
Oceanographers believe that Antarctica's oceanic waters, which are turning from briny to fresh in recent decades, are causing the shutdown...
A Silicon Valley start-up have developed a machine capable of a biblical feat: turning water into wine. They call it...
During the harvest last year, many farmers from Jordan and Mozambique reported that their plants looked nothing like what they've...
In society, there's a general idea that women are more cooperative than men. But in academia, at the very least,...
The low quality of the Chinese air is more than simply a nuisance - China has by far the worst...
Hygiene is extremely important for hospital workers - regardless of the type of medicine they practice - because they run...
I love Bill Nye, and I think the world needs more people like him. I don't mindlessly follow him, I...
San Francisco, for the nice and laid back city that it is, has many problems - and I was pretty...
For the first time, researchers have taken a look at the life that thrives in one of the deepest spots...
Researchers have developed a three dimensional atlas which shows the concentrations of iron dissolved in the world's oceans. This monumental...
The Stonehenge is one of the most impressive and mysterious constructions left behind by our ancestors. Now, scientists have found...
Astronomers have recently discovered water in the atmosphere of a planet outside our solar system, using a novel technique -...
A piece of rock traveling at at 61,000 km/h punched a crater 40 metres wide on the surface of the...
If you've ever had a nice fuzzy feeling whenever you heard the voice of a loved one, then, you're not...
When researchers wanted to conduct DNA analysis on the remains of a Stone Age child, Native American tribes met the...
The average obese woman gets less than 70 minutes of exercise per year; if you were to average it out,...
Mammograms have been controversial since their inception - many researchers argued that reduction in mortality from breast cancer comes from...
A team led by astronomers at The Australian National University has discovered what they believe to be the oldest star...
Photo via Wikimedia Commons/Bokske. It's one of the most known effects of marijuana - you get a powerful surge in...
As a non-smoker with many smoking friends living in a country without a smoking ban, going out can be quite...
Dennis Aabo Sørensen is the first amputee in the world to feel sensory rich information (in real time), thanks to...
I'm gonna go into a little more details about both people and the discussion, but I just want to get...
Via Universe Today. Black holes have fascinated both researchers and laymen for decades. Without a doubt, they are the point...
A new research paper written by psychologists Elizabeth Dunn and Lara Aknin, along with Michael Norton of Harvard Business School...
It seems more like a magic trick than pure physics - the fountain-like motion of a chain of beads has...
Good news is not something you see very often in India. The lack of food and sometimes even water is...
PETER deMENOCAL (JANUARY):DeMenocal uses deep-sea sediments to show that major evolutionary milestones coincide with major climate transitions. Location: A savanna...
During the Mesozoic, dinosaurs weren't just roaming the land - giant reptiles, such as mosasaurs and ichthyosaurs, ruled the seas....
The European Space Agency's billion-dollar star surveyor 'Gaia' is now in its operational orbit around a gravitationally stable virtual point...
Good news everybody - the International Space Station won't be sunk into the ocean in 2020! In case you don't...
A hundred, fifty, or perhaps even 20 years ago, this idea would have seemed preposterous. Just imagine the Amazonian jungle,...
Image via The Guardian. The effects of urban pollution in China are started to get out of hand, and by...
If you're a sci-fi geek like me, you've most likely read at least a few Asimov novels, and you know...
Whenever you buy an electronic, that 'Made in ' label only shows where it was maufactured or put together -...
The stoat may look cute, but it's one of the most invasive species in the world.
Imagine salmon in reverse: long-snouted Bandringa sharks migrated downstream from freshwater swamps to a tropical coastline to spawn 310 million...
When you think about mongooses, cruel, despotic females probably don't come to mind - but according to a new study,...
We need more green spaces in town and cities - the myriad of advantages they provide is simply undeniable. Now,...
Photographic negatives left a century ago in Captain Scott’s last expedition base at Cape Evans have been discovered and conserved...
Japanese authorities have approved the construction of a futuristic farming project in Japan’s Fukushima prefecture, in a part of the...
A big part of the US and Canada is currently in the grip of a polar vortex - extreme colds,...
Gifted children are supposed to be tomorrow's leaders, scientists, and innovators - but the exceptionally smart are often invisible in...
An international team of researchers believes they have found a way to reopen critical learning periods in the brain, allowing...
It may be one heck of a coincidence, or it could be the fact that renewable energy causes a major...
Cats, dogs, as well as many well known and loved wild animals such as seals, lions, tigers and bears trace...
Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Iowa have found out that we don't just smell...
A while ago, we were telling you about the mysterious "fenced" white cocoons - of which researchers knew nothing about....
Researchers from the Aalto University in Finland have revealed how the most common emotions are experienced in the body. Different...
A cluster of 18 flowering plants from the Cretaceous (100 million years ago) has been found preserved in amber Among...