Georgia Guidestones — mysterious instructions for the post-apocalypse
Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite and Be not a cancer on the earth...
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite and Be not a cancer on the earth...
Coral populations are crucial to the health of oceanic environments, but corals are also extremely vulnerable to changing conditions. Researchers...
The days of wasting condiments, toothpaste and other products that stubbornly stick to the sides of the bottle or package...
Adidas new shoes are trash - literally. The German company has announced the creation of a new type of shoes...
Germany is taking some serious strides in its attempt to reduce carbon emissions by 40 percent until 2020: the European...
Something as simple as eating more leafy veggies could significantly slow down cognitive decline and keep your brain healthier for...
According to an unusual study conducted by University of Vermont researchers, people with blue eyes may be more likely to...
Spiders are more adaptable than we give them credit for, and they can make pretty good sailors - a new...
Remember the Koch brothers? They're industrialists and businesspeople who own the second largest privately owned company in the United States...
We come to you today with something a bit different than what we usually do - a new, creative way...
The American Museum of Natural History has released a set of postcards you can buy when you visit them - The...
A startup will allow voluntary internet detectives to study unusual medical cases and attempt to solve them. Millions of people suffer...
Call it Beercycling - gallons of beer-urine will be used to fertilize barley, which will ultimately become beer, and then urine again....
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has rejected a proposal to list North American wild horses as threatened or endangered, arguing...
Seemingly small and delicate, seahorses are actually much more resilient than they look. Engineers have demonstrated that the seahorses' prism-like tails...
Environmentalists and engineers have often argued against golf courses (especially abandoned golf courses), considering them a waste of space and...
A new hi-tech mirror allows clients to see how they would look like in different outfits, without having to actually...
As the US starts to thaw its relationship with Cuba, important economy, touristic and cultural prospects start to emerge; but...
Saber-tooth cats, the bane of early humans (and pretty much every creature that co-existed with them), roamed the Earth for...
It's the kind of error you never want to pop up in your code: Google’s automatic image recognition software has...
Samantha Cristoforetti, an astronaut currently on board the International Space Station was allowed to take some extra food with her...
The Germany city of Karlsruhe celebrates its 300th anniversary in 2015, and they wanted to do something special to commemorate...
Joining sounds together to create a meaningful language was thought to be a human characteristic, but a new study published...
Deep below ground level, 3,500 feet (1000 meters) down a Croatian cave, scientists have discovered a new species of centipede....
The Great Wall of China, one of the most marvelous constructions on Earth is slowly fading away due to the...
It's so simple and incredibly useful I can't believe no one developed it before - a way to give leftover...
Whether it's Meatless Monday, Weekday Vegetarianism or simply cutting down meat consumption - people from developed countries are eating less meat,...
Among the many tools it has in its arsenal, cancer is also very good at hiding - so good that...
In a paper published this month in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a group of scientists explain the...
A soap bubble is a very thin sheet of water sandwiched between two layers of soap molecules. They are an...
Paleontologists working in China have discovered fossils of an impressively armored worm that lived during the Cambrian, 500 million years...
By now, we've all hopefully at least heard of graphene, the new wonder material that promises to revolutionize a swarm...
You wouldn't expect a dog and a turtle to be best friends, but as we've learned on the Internet, the...
Tomorrow, something extraordinary will happen, even though you might not notice it: right before 8 p.m. Eastern time, we will be...
Studying ants could help us reduce or even eliminate traffic jams, but only if we let go of our ego....
National Geographic invites photographers from around the world to enter the 2015 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest - but hurry...
It can reach 100 km/h (60 mph) in 2 seconds, it has a 700 horsepower engine, it weighs 90% less...
The city of Utrecht will start experimenting with a new concept that could revolutionize society as we know it: basic...
Coral reefs are as important to oceanic ecosystems as they are vulnerable to global warming and ocean acidification. Coral reefs are...
"Fat is bad" seems to be a general rule when concocting dietary guidelines, but fatty foods may be making a...
Scientists have discovered and described the only known species of Yeti Crab that resides in Antarctica's Southern Ocean. The crab,...
It's been a while since these photos won the Nikon International Small World Photomicrography Competition in 2010, but their quality...
It's a touchy issue for some - the matter of adoption by homosexual couples. Some argue against this type of...
Taking a radically opposite stance on how we design our furniture, designer and innovator Gavin Munro has come up with a...
NASA released the breathtaking image you see below, announcing that it is basically X-ray light echoes reflecting off clouds of dust....
A group of UK teenages have invented a condom that changes colors and glows if you/he have/has an STD. Aptly...
The European Space Agency has confirmed that the Rosetta mission will continue until at least September 2016, when it will...
A clear, apparently simple plastic chip could eliminate the need for animal testing. The design, which basically mimics the functions...
Image source. WWII was the largest conflict known to mankind, responsible for 50 to 80 million fatalities, involving most of the...
Archaeologists working in Bulgaria have confirmed that they uncovered the oldest prehistoric town in Europe. The town was likely home...