Huge warm water blob off the Pacific coast causes mass death of sea species
Sea animals are dying off in huge numbers off the Pacific coast from Baja, Mexico - all the way to...
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
Sea animals are dying off in huge numbers off the Pacific coast from Baja, Mexico - all the way to...
In June, we were telling you about the Dutch city of Utrecht, which will start a new social and economic...
We sometimes think of scientists as calculated, precise people in white lab coats, buzzing around their controlled experiments and complicated...
It seems almost too surreal to be true - a gelatinous, four meter across blob of squid eggs - but...
Researchers have found that just like babies, bonobos exhibit a type of communication in which they use the same sound...
They're a gardener's best friend, and our fields wouldn't be the same without them. The humble earthworm plays a major...
People from Finland would rather live next to an alcohol or drug rehab center than a Muslim prayer room or...
According to a new study conducted by German researchers, even somehow magically removing massive amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere...
A misnomer is a word or term used to suggest a meaning that is not really true - misnomer doesn't...
Before the Cambrian, more than 541 million years ago, intriguing creatures named rangeomorphs that grew up to 2 meters dwelt...
Japanese researchers have just fired the most powerful laser ever fired on Earth, producing a 2 petawatt pulse - 2 quadrillion...
Value Farm is not necessarily a new concept, but manages to bring a stunning innovation; its scale and effectiveness and...
A $13.8 bn railway project funded by China linking Nairobi to Mombasa will pass right through the Nairobi National Park....
CSIRO, Australia's peak science body has reportedly discovered one of the more sought after cures in human history: the cure...
In its most recent flyby, NASA’s Cassini space probe discovered some strange red streaks on Tethys - one of Saturn's 62...
When it comes to vaccines, the young bees don't really have a choice - they're naturally immunized against specific diseases...
The dark paintings of Martin Wittfooth depict a beautiful yet frightening world - only animals, no humans, but with a...
It's common knowledge that dogs don't see the world the same way we do, but there are a lot of...
All image credits go to Lance Abernethy Few people can claim to have built their own dream, but New Zealander Lance Abernethy...
You may have observed how ants can carry things many times their size, both individually and in groups. Researchers have...
The mind blowing map shows just how disproportionate human population is in regard to the area it occupies. It may...
Image via Henn-na If you're thinking about the future days when robots will replace humans, well... those days are already...
All image credits go to Alin Ivanov. Firebreathing is a beautiful and dangerous form of art - it's dazzled people...
Scientists have created a mixture of oil and fluorescent dyes that can be safely added to human cells - the...
A new study published in Nature describes the creation of a new sensor which will allow us to know when...
Artificial light is something we take for granted and simply don't think about - but for some communities, light can...
A team of archaeologists working in Denmark have made a puzzling discovery: they found nearly 2,000 spectacular gold spirals dating...
Do you enjoy the quiet, elaborate jazz rhythms, or are you more a metal fan? Is classical music your thing,...
You may have seen it in forests, and may have dismissed it as an eerie curiosity - a type of...
Image source. Also called hydrolaccoliths, pingos are spectacular domes of earth and vegetation covered ice usually found in the Arctic and subarctic....
It took more than was expected, but the three astronauts set for the International Space Station docked with the International Space Station...
Image via Team Peak Performance. A stray dog followed a Swedish racing team through 430 miles (688 km) of jungles...
When talking about global warming, we often tend to think about droughts, water shortage and desertification. But we must not...
Researchers have discovered a new dinosaur species covered with feathers. Its wings were very short and it likely wouldn't have...
Are you a Hemingway, a Nutty Professor, or a Poppins?? No, that's not the latest Facebook game (although it'd be...
“Global Environments through the Quaternary” By David Anderson, Andrew Goodie, Adrian Parker Oxford University Press, 406pp | Buy on Amazon The...
I've been recently flooded with emails, questions and Facebook posts with the algae street lamps that not only light up...
Tesla's newest up-and-coming building could be larger than previously thought - much larger. At a presentation about the Tahoe Reno...
China Caves 2012 / Hong Meigui Expedition to explore giant caves in Wulong County. Robbie Shone is one of the...
Norwegian Archaeologists have unearthed a unique Viking grave dated 1040 AD. Within the grave they found coins, a battle ax...
Scientists have stumbled on some incredibly old sperm in the wall of a fossilized cocoon in Antarctica. The remains of...
We sometimes get the feeling that the Netherlands is like a Think Tank for countries - they just come up...
A chance discovery revealed an impressive cluster of extinct volcanoes 150 miles off the coast of Sydney, three miles below the...
“Narrative Networks” By Brian Alleyne SAGE Publications Ltd, 224pp | Buy on Amazon What's a narrative? That's a question we don't...
“Measuring Happiness” By Joachim Weimann, Andreas Knabe, Ronnie Schob MIT Press, 224pp | Buy on Amazon What is happiness, and how...
Some 150 meters above ground level (400 feet) in the Sacred Valley of the Incas three eerie, transparent capsules hang on the...
In our day to day lives, we don't give much thought to tears - we usually focus more on the...
Tony Abbott, the Australian PM has been warned he is putting international investment at risk after ordering the $10 billion Clean...
Most days are windy in Denmark, but Thursday was unusually so - it was so windy that the country got...
“A History of Future Cities” By Carmine Nardone, Salvatore Rampone World Scientific Publishing, 156pp | Buy on Amazon This book contains...