What are the layers of the Earth?
We know what the layers of the Earth are without seeing them directly -- with the magic of geophysics.
Dr. Andrei Mihai is a geophysicist and founder of ZME Science. He has a Ph.D. in geophysics and archaeology and has completed courses from prestigious universities (with programs ranging from climate and astronomy to chemistry and geology). He is passionate about making research more accessible to everyone and communicating news and features to a broad audience.
We know what the layers of the Earth are without seeing them directly -- with the magic of geophysics.
Volcanoes are some of the most amazing geological features but quite often, they're misunderstood or not understood at all. Here we'll...
Price is one of the main road blocks in the way of getting an electric car - changing your gas...
Researchers have developed a digital audio platform that can modify the tone of the people who are talking.
The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) has announced clients to brace for a "cataclysmic year" with a global deflation crisis,...
Archaeologists have discovered something as valuable as the Roman Pompeii.
Tantalizing rumors about gravitational waves have been spreading through the scientific community.
More than twice the age of the Stonehenge, the Shigir Idol has been recently dated to 11,000 years ago, which...
Apollo 11: Eagle Has Landed NASA's mission to better understand the Universe around us resulted not only in text, images...
Stanford scientists have developed the first lithium-ion batteries that run normally, shut down when they start to overheat, and then...
"Anyone who wants to be here now has a shot to be here," MIT President L. Rafael Reif said. "They...
The very hot winter of 2015 is having some unexpected consequences: squirrels are getting fat. photo credit: @inventor_Artist/Twitter The winter...
A team of researchers from MIT created a material that can make use of solar energy in a novel way,...
In a cave in France, three bisons stand next to each other, modeled from the clay from the walls of...
Complete and absolute relaxation.
Archaeologists working at NOAA made a surprising discovery - they found the remains of a century-and-a-half old whaling ship
A new unfortunate world record has been triggered by fracking
A new study from Stanford University found that the world could realistically go 100% renewable in a few decades, using...
Scientists working at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) have released the first ever digital geologic map of Alaska.
Imagine a banana. The familiar yellow, seedless shape pops to mind, but that's only how domesticated bananas look like. Before...
It's official - humanity has changed the Earth so much that we've basically created a new geological era, one that...
Of all the odd things you'd expect to find in a human body, this is definitely one of the top...
Sinkholes can be dangerous. Here's what you need to know.
As we mentioned before, the largest gas leak in history is unfolding in California, but oddly enough, few people seem...
Gemologists working in Colombo, Sri Lanka, have confirmed the finding of the largest sapphire in the world.
The Writer. Picture source. You may find it hard to believe, but what you're seeing in the picture above is...
Volcanoes are truly amazing - spewing out lava from the depths of the planet, they are a close reminder that...
The world (and especially the internet) is riddled with false information and misconceptions - it's time to set this straight....
Scientists are pushing the non-publication of geographical data of new species in order to protect them from poachers.
SpaceX got a much deserved Christmas gift - on December 22nd, became the first group (private or state-owned) to ever launch...
Almost 100 manuscripts have been submitted following last week's tantalizing announcement from CERN.
Researchers have developed a new technique that allows them to create ceramics with 3D printing faster and cheaper, incorporating complex...
The British government has announced that they will create a marine reserve almost as big as the UK in the waters...
The seventh row of the periodic table is now officially full - we just have to set a name for...
Joy Milne's husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's when he was 45, but she felt something was off a few months...
It's one of the coolest experiments you can make easily at home
Research has confirmed that Henry Mountains of southern Utah are home to a rare, genetically pure bison herd. This is the...
In what is likely the most underrated disaster of the year, a massive natural gas leak is taking place in Aliso...
Thousands of babies are being born with brain damage due to a mosquito-borne virus.
Scientists have developed a new polymer that can clean water of tiny impurities and pollutants in a matter of seconds....
NASA just released their famous pictures taken from the International Space Station in 2015. The images were shot by astronauts...
Japanese television has released extremely rare footage of a giant squid swimming in the Sea of Japan.
Some 25 years ago, on December 1990, Tim Berners-Lee, then a scientist at the CERN facility in Switzerland launched what...
Ski slopes (runs) are an environmental bane, as more and more studies are beginning to show. Even after 40 years...
Partial femur bones found in the renowned Red Deer Cave seems to show that other species of humans overlapped with...
I've already written an article about the best ways to green up your Christmas tree, so I really recommend you...
Image via CBS. There's almost no need to say it again - it's been an exceptionally warm December, and an...
A month ago, millions of gallons of toxic mining waste burst into the environment following a dam break in the...
In a world class display of hypocrisy, after opening up the world's largest marine sanctuary and vowing to reduce fossil...
The Australian government wants to eliminate hepatitis C within one generation - a 'miracle drug' with a price tag of...